Example sentences of "a century and [art] " in BNC.

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1 The baskets measure an ample 15 inches by 13 inches , and 10 inches to the top of the handle , and are hand-made in Somerset by P H Coate and Son who have been at it for a century and a half .
2 That the lion 's share fell to Florence rather than Siena , after a century and a half of medieval snatch and grab between the two republics is proclaimed by the splendid lions on the well and on the Marzocco column .
3 Close to the mill stands what became the mill house , although this pre-dates the actual mill by at least a century and a half .
4 North has also found that a similar escapement was known more than a century and a half later to Leonardo da Vinci .
5 Nearly a century and a half later , John Taylor and Company are still at work making bells that go all over the world , not only to churches and cathedrals , but to town halls , universities and other secular buildings .
6 The large brick blast furnace was built with its tiers of arches at the beginning of the nineteenth century , and was producing iron for about a century and a half .
7 It has had more than a century and a half to prove its worth in the demanding environments of Queensland , New South Wales and even the hot , dry north west of Western Australia .
8 The Napoleonic model in France , even though it survived virtually unaltered for over a century and a half , eventually had to yield to demands for a wider measure of regional self-government , and over the past years schemes of regional devolution have been instituted .
9 A century and a half later , of course , many new fossil discoveries and much critical analysis have greatly advanced our understanding of dinosaurs , although not to the extent that the controversy and emotion first stirred up by Owen has entirely abated .
10 REVOLUTION IN REVERSE It 's a century and a half since Britain brought about an industrial revolution and dominated the age of steam , iron and the mechanisation of textile manufacture .
11 So ideas already a century and a half old have returned to favour … ( the ideas of Adam Smith & Ricardo ) .
12 The Railway Age , which brings together more than a century and a half of railway tradition on a single site in the heart of Cheshire is set to become a major tourist attraction of national significance , and is located within the town 's famous rail interchange , one of the largest in Europe .
13 A century and a half after David Lucas worked with John Constable , Luis Remba , a master printer in Mexico City , invited Rufino Tamayo to make some prints .
14 It was where the bedrooms had been ; they were later to discover that it was where the Romanovs had lived for a century and a half and had been the favourite apartments of Nicholas I.
15 In the case of processes , the division between those that make up the longue durée and those that belong to the sphere of conjonctures is bound to be rough ; there is no absolute division between a gradual increase in population lasting for a century and a cycle of growth and decline lasting a mere seventy-five years , a fact reflected in the organisation of La Méditerranée .
16 Englishmen had been settling overseas for a century and a half but their colonies had been inhabited by people who , apart from the slaves who got no choice in the matter , had no particular difficulty in committing themselves to being loyal to King George : Englishmen , Scotsmen , Irishmen , or Germans would accept the King without question , and the Dutch of New York and the Acadians of Nova Scotia were almost the only people who had ever been asked to make a serious change of allegiance , which had been harder for the Acadians because of religious differences .
17 Nick Gaywood and Nick Folland each had a century and a half-century to his credit in those early matches .
18 Waddy had been Australia 's 12th man against England in the fifth Test in 1907–08 , having scored a century and a half-century against them for NSW in the previous match .
19 In 1974 , for example , we learned that ‘ For the first time in a century and a half , since the great Tory reformer Robert Peel set up the Metropolitan police areas of our cities are becoming unsafe for peaceful citizens by night , and some even by day ’ — from no less an authority than that great Tory reformer Sir Keith Joseph .
20 Sir Keith Joseph offers a flexi-time history according to which , in the same speech where he entertained the spectacular belief that Britain 's streets had been plunged into insecurity ‘ for the first time in a century and a half ’ , he also conjured with a more modest timescale whereby ‘ such words as good and evil , such stress on self-discipline and standards have been out of favour since the war ’ .
21 There is evidence to suggest that he was descended from Judas of Galilee , leader of the Zealots a century and a quarter before , and from the Zealot commanders at the capture and subsequent siege of Masada .
22 For a century and a half the subject of sexuality was taboo in much of Western society and it was only after the Second World War that this taboo decayed sufficiently for a body of formal knowledge concerning sexuality to be scientifically built up .
23 Most importantly , cyanotypes were far more permanent than other early photographs and much of Atkins 's output survived in good condition a century and a half later .
24 For nearly a century and a half after the end of the Thirty Years War in 1648 there was a tendency for the ratio of casualties to total numbers engaged in West European wars to fall and for that of prisoners to dead and wounded to rise .
25 In a century and a half of mining , hundreds of men have died .
26 A century and a half ago , the canal owners of England thought they were in the business of owning canals .
27 In other words , thirty-six ( or about two-thirds ) of the families that were resident in Willingham in 1575 had either moved or died out in the male line during the course of a century and a half .
28 A point of contrast a century and a half later is provided by the 1671 hearth tax return , by which time the seventy householders had grown to 122 .
29 The painstaking task is finally rewarded , however , by the detailed picture that emerges of an ‘ ordinary ’ family of farmers , craftsmen and labourers over a century and a half .
30 What is far more important is that the balance between land and labour , which had been favourable to labour for about a century and a half , was now tilting back decisively in favour of the landowner .
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