Example sentences of "a half [noun pl] to " in BNC.

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1 An ‘ activity ’ might last any length of time from one and a half hours to ( say ) a sustained activity lasting , over a period , as much as ten hours .
2 Will my hon. Friend commend as compulsory reading part of our proceedings in Committee when for the first time hon. Members listened for two or two and a half hours to
3 Back on board , we advanced our watches two and a half hours to Central Standard Time .
4 Well I reckon it 's gon na take us three and a half hours to get to the other end , so two and a half hours to it and an hour on it if it 's not too bad and then of course we 've got to go up from there to Ipswich , Woodbridge but it 's dual carriageway all the way now you see .
5 Eleven and a half minutes to three o'clock in the afternoon .
6 It 's six and a half minutes to six .
7 It 's two and a half minutes to six o'clock .
8 It took one and a half days to the confluence with the Tisza with mosquitos , heat , sometimes unbearable , and camping wild on sandbanks .
9 Compare that attendance figure with the 248,000 visitors over two and a half months to the ‘ Masterworks from Lille ’ exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum , an only averagely successful exhibition by their standards ; the 204,000 to ‘ Sisley ’ at the Royal Academy over two and a half months , and even the 52,000 to ‘ Royal Treasures of Sweden ’ over three months , considered a flop by the R.A.
10 In 1986–87 there were approximately two and a half inmates to one officer .
11 AS YOU might expect of a nation that has devoted the past three and a half centuries to failed attempts at independence , Ukrainian leaders have a propensity for messing things up when it matters most .
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