Example sentences of "a cost [prep] more " in BNC.

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1 When you buy a small can of frozen concentrated orange juice you arc getting the fibre-free contents of a large quantity of oranges , at a cost of more than 200 calories per can .
2 More than three million hens have been destroyed at a cost of more than £5 million and a number of egg producers have been forced out of business as a result .
3 In 1980 , the office was closed , at a cost of more than £0.5m .
4 At the end of 1886 the tunnel was opened to passenger and goods traffic ; it was more than four miles long and its construction occupied almost fourteen years , at a cost of more than £2 million .
5 In 1575 , he built Almshouses for the poor at East Greenwich , the first of their kind founded by a Protestant at a cost of more than £2,700 , and in 1581 , he published another work on the Duties of Constables , Borsholders , Tythingmen and other law and Lay ministers of the Peace .
6 A lrge percentage of the parachutes used by British airborne servicemen were inside at the time and destroyed at a cost of more than nineteen million pounds .
7 Severn Trent is being forced to make the changes at the Netheridge Sewage Works near Gloucester at a cost of more than thirty million pounds … a cost that 'll be shouldered by the customer .
8 The extension was completed at a cost of more than £3m to cope with school enrolment of 540 pupils .
9 Between eight and 14m working days are lost in Britain each year as employees are forced off sick by their hangovers at a cost of more than £700m in lost production .
10 It has recently been announced that the gas-phase plants at Wilton and Rozenburg are to be expanded and uprated — at a cost of more than £20 million — to bring ICI 's total production capability to over 400 kta by early 1989 — 300 kta gas phase , the balance by the diluent process .
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