Example sentences of "a [adj -er] effect on " in BNC.

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1 The change in aggregate demand will have a bigger effect on output and employment , the more elastic is the aggregate supply curve .
2 The greater variability in the reproductive success of males could just be a random result : by chance some individuals will meet more mates than do others , and this will have a larger effect on the variability of reproduction of males , because in males more of the random encounters can result in mating .
3 Show how an increase in money supply will have a larger effect on national income .
4 Every one of those links , whether it is an effect on the chemistry inside a cell , a later effect on how brain cells wire themselves together , an even later effect on behaviour , or a final effect on lake size , is correctly regarded as caused by a change in the DNA .
5 In contrast to filtering the single-copy hybridisation data , false negatives have a higher effect on the correct determination of patterns .
6 Similarly both the Rathenau Advisory Group in the Netherlands and the Industrial Institute of Economic and Social Research in Stockholm , carried out simulations which indicated that slow introduction of microelectronic technology would have a worse effect on employment than keeping up with other countries .
7 Recognising that relocation may have a worse effect on married staff than on single workers , it is not unusual to find that they receive higher allowances .
8 This strange accident had a worse effect on Troy than any of his troubles , worse even than Fanny 's death .
9 Their main function in emergencies is to release glucose and thus perpetuate the ‘ flight or fight ’ reaction initiated by adrenaline and noradrenaline — they have a longer-lasting effect on the body .
10 One possible explanation is that even though reproductive success probably varies more widely among males in these species , maternal rank has a stronger effect on the success of daughters since females remain in their mother 's troop and inherit her rank while sons disperse to other groups and may be unable to benefit substantially from their mother 's rank ( Altmann , 1980 ) .
11 But also it might have a greater effect on leukaemic cells , which divide more frequently , probably use more folic acid , and are thus more vulnerable to a competitive antagonist .
12 The weather situation can have a greater effect on us than many people realise .
13 For example , in red deer , longevity , offspring survival and home range quality have a greater effect on the reproductive success of hinds than on that of stags .
14 Similarly , does size have a greater effect on reproductive success in female Weddell seals compared to land or pack-ice breeding species because they breed on fast ice and defend access to water holes ?
15 One possible explanation is that because early growth exerts a greater effect on reproductive success in males than females ( see above ) , selection favours increased investment by young males in growth at the expense of laying down body fat to assure survival during periods of food shortage .
16 It could well be that Matadial was thoroughly discredited , even as the case ran , but with advance information her demolition could have been more clinically achieved , with perhaps a greater effect on the jury and with a better chance of involving Zaidie in the destruction of the Crown case on motive and malice .
17 The creation of a new party was also a more exciting enterprise which was expected to have a greater effect on public opinion : for the first twelve months — until the Falklands crisis arrived — the SDP gained much favourable publicity and appeared to be potentially successful .
18 If context affects the recognition point of a word , as this result suggests , then it should be possible to show that a context which makes a word very predictable will have a greater effect on fluent restorations than a context which makes a word only fairly predictable .
19 According to some scholars , parents education in general has a greater effect on survival than do income and access to health facilities combined .
20 Broadly , the reason for this is that in smaller populations the selection of an extreme value for the sample would have a greater effect on the calculation of any value for that sample if the sample was also small as a ratio of the population .
21 Time had a greater effect on reducing the CCPR than did dietary calcium .
22 Although the left stellate ganglion has a greater effect on arrhythmogenesis than the right in many instances , this is most likely due to quantitative rather than qualitative differences between the two ganglia .
23 In other words , although they suppress the aberrant antibody , they suppress other antibody production too and also the production of blood cells , yet they seem to have a greater effect on the abnormal antibody than they do on normal ones and in quite large numbers of patients that have been treated in this way the side effects are really relatively slight .
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