Example sentences of "a [noun prp] york [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In Phil Alden Robinson 's adaptation of W.P.Kinsella 's book , Kevin Costner , Hollywood 's latest superstar , plays a New York boy with a hang-up about his father who has taken his wife ( Amy Madigan ) and daughter off to an Iowan farm to find themselves as a family .
2 Destiny Technology , which says Destiny is its trademark , recently defended a successful action against DeliveryMan Corporation , a New York software company , for using Destiny Technology as its corporate name .
3 Ghislaine , 30 , booked the £2,515 flight from Heathrow Airport last Wednesday through a New York travel agent and paid by credit card .
4 She thought he might have meant a New York accent , but she was from Los Angeles and would n't have tried anyway .
5 That was based on the film starring Al Pacino , itself based on the true story of a New York cop who made allegations of corruption in the city 's police department .
6 The music to its las ad , Hendrix 's ‘ Crosstown Traffic ’ , may be 20 years old , but the sordid visual tale of a New York cabbie 's disillusionment with the American way is so very Nineties .
7 The last hurdle to liquidation was overcome in August when a New York bankruptcy court refused to reopen a class action negligence suit brought by 160,000 former investors in Jim Bakker 's Praise the Lord ministry , which was once a Laventhol client .
8 It stars Melanie Griffith as a New York detective who goes undercover in a Hasidic Jewish community to investigate the murder of a young Jewish man .
9 He was a New York photographer , and he was n't into the idea .
10 The oil in the American Trader was owned by BP America , but the tanker by a New York shipping company .
11 Sam , who lives in a modest £70,000 semi in north London , also has a New York apartment and a villa on Spain 's Costa Del Sol .
12 He fell five hundred feet from a New York apartment window last year .
13 He fell five hundred feet from a New York apartment window last year .
14 A few months later — in conjunction with the Resolution Trust Company ( RTC ) , which was overseeing the thrifts rescue effort — the federal agency called in a New York law firm to see if funds could be recovered from Drexel .
15 MRS Leona Helmsley , the hotel queen dethroned earlier this year by a New York court that convicted her as a tax cheat , was yesterday sentenced to four years ' imprisonment and fined $7 million ( £4.5 million ) .
16 Reiser recently acknowledged in a New York court that his private corporation , in which he and his wife are sole shareholders , has grossed roughly $400000 in the past few years .
17 Lawyer David Steinberg and accountant Marvin Zolt were found guilty and ordered to pay £1.5 million to the estate in a New York court .
18 Whatever happened to the case of the Sevso silver , the Roman hoard valued conservatively at £40 million , blocked in a New York court since February 1990 when Sotheby 's proudly announced it to the world , only to have the Lebanon and Yugoslavia , and later Hungary , claim that it had been removed illegally from their countries ?
19 It was alleged that Khashoggi , who had been extradited from Switzerland in April 1989 , had purchased four Manhattan properties secretly owned by the Marcoses and had backdated the sale documents to evade a New York court order which had frozen the assets of the former dictator and his wife .
20 In a verdict hailed by federal prosecutors as the most important achieved against the Mafia since that against Al Capone in 1931 , a New York court of first instance on April 2 convicted John Gotti , reputedly the head of the New York Gambino " family " , on 13 counts including murder , conspiracy to murder , illegal gambling , loan sharking , obstructing justice , bribing a public official , and tax evasion .
21 Demeke was arraigned at a New York court last night but German prosecutors said they may ask for him to be extradited .
22 Demeke was ordered to be held without bail after being arraigned at a New York court last night .
23 ‘ Do n't ask him about du Pre , ’ a New York music journalist warned me .
24 Lord Colin Campbell , a New York art dealer , said : ‘ I know the bloody woman and she is a bullshitter .
25 TWO GIRLS , FAT AND THIN Mary Gaitskill The fat girl is an obsessive devotee of popular novelist Anna Granite , the thin girl a New York writer who goes to interview her .
26 Mrs Helmsley , who began adult life selling cigarettes in a New York cinema , had become so unpopular as the details of her manners and penny-pinching management technique were exposed in court during her trial that her lawyers based an eleventh-hour appeal for mercy on her likely prison victimisation as a ‘ notorious , widely-reviled , vastly wealthy New York Jew . ’
27 ‘ How bad a pander can you get ? ’ said a leading Jewish reporter on a New York newspaper .
28 They were shot or had their throats cut , Alija Lujinovoc told a New York newspaper .
29 In a study of 400 of the biggest bank mergers in the 1980s , FMCG Capital Strategies , a New York consultancy , found that four out of five deals failed miserably — to the point where they soon destroyed value for the acquiring bank .
30 But happy Harry put it out of his mind as he planted a smacker on his new date at a New York film premiere .
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