Example sentences of "a [adj] thing [conj] " in BNC.

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1 it 's just a normal thing that happens
2 It 's a cruel thing and especially to hit a boy on his right hand and then expect him to write with it .
3 ‘ It does n't mean a damn thing when he says we have low interest rates .
4 It is a sorry thing when an eagle can not even ward off two miserable hooded crows .
5 Okay , just about it now Okay , gon na ask each group what marks they 've given and why , now it 's not for the other team to justify it because it 's all a subjective thing but the thing is we 're hopefully marking them against the same criteria as everybody else because we 've all been in the same place and listened to the same things and read the same things , however , now we know obviously it does n't necessarily mean that everybody 's taken in the same things .
6 And energy 's a strange thing because you ca n't see it as such .
7 and er , it was gone eleven I would of thought , anyway he stopped and I slept like a log , got up at twenty past six , but erm , it 's a strange thing because one of those came last evening and it parked outside George 's , now I said yesterday , when Alan goes to work , it 's not long after six normally to go up to London and that
8 No but it is a strange thing because sometimes you get my end of the market and you get somebody wants her end of the market , but erm
9 Do you feel like it 's almost like doing a different thing that you 're not , you know when you 're actually acting in the play you 're more self conscious and you 're more conscious of what you 're you 're moving and you 're speaking and whereas the likes of the panto you know you just be yourself really with a bit of fun thrown in .
10 It was as if he had n't really wanted freedom , only to assert his right to be free if he chose , which is quite a different thing and has something both sad and comical about it .
11 It 's a funny thing but I remember gritting myself for Kirk for about two months because of his reputation for being difficult .
12 It 's a funny thing but every now and again she slips through here into the lounge and sits by the fire for a few minutes .
13 Now I know it 's a funny thing but this time because of demand it was forty eight , now alright out of that forty eight three was still , right one was in hospital so you can
14 well it 's er , it 's a funny thing that is because they all gone , now they were supposedly around a hundred thousand look , when they took it on and they 've all gone , there ai n't any there new ones
15 And a funny thing cos like we 're gon na be with like Steven and Matt , bloody guzzle !
16 Oh do you know , it 's a funny thing when I had my ears pie ear pierced years ago that poured blood
17 He never said a foolish thing and usually said a wise one .
18 Erm and she 's had seven youngsters and she 's brought them up and she a , on her own she 's had to bring them up cos he left her for another , another woman and erm she had the seven and she 's worked and fought hard cos she would n't ask for a darn thing and er they 're , they 're great those kids , they are , they 're a credit to her , you know , but it 's taken it out of her , she 's
19 I saw it as a disaster and it happened , but I did n't think it would be such a hello-goodbye thing as it turned out to be . ’
20 A group is a lesser thing than a team , which performs at a higher level of cohesion than a mere group needs to ( see Teams on page 161 ) .
21 I really hope people do n't hype it as a Scottish thing 'cos then the pressure 's on . ’
22 But I 've done a generalised thing that could be adapted .
23 I had been aware , intellectually , that the background level of irradiation is really quite high ( as I write the clicking of a geiger counter left switched on in an adjacent room reminds me ) but it took the Phywe cloud chamber to make me realise that irradiation is not a separate thing but truly a part of life .
24 Mr Chairman , er the actual words were , S T D , S T C's are a separate thing when we are borrowing on governments behalves .
25 And that 's a tremendous thing when we come to God in Christ , the first thing he does for us is to forgive us our sins .
26 ‘ Other people thought it might be a personal thing but I never really believed it until I heard some of the things Taylor has come out with .
27 Now of course the difficulty you ca n't i it 's a personal thing and you do n't like standing watching all this operation going on for too long .
28 Well if we put their name and address and phone number on it , I mean it 's probably just as well to use a standard thing that you can xerox .
29 Colleagues , there is an arrogance abroad in certain quarters of our movement that is a dangerous thing because it 's
30 Strangely enough it was a tiny thing that suddenly gave her confidence again — her hair .
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