Example sentences of "a [noun sg] that gives " in BNC.

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1 An option is a contract that gives its holder the right , but not the obligation , to buy or sell a specific quantity of a specific quality of a specific asset at a specific price ( the " exercise price " or " strike price " ) on or before a specific day ( the settlement day ) .
2 They provide a breadth of experience and a presence that gives a service to pupils throughout the school .
3 ‘ We want a boat that gives a good grounding in trapeze and spinnaker techniques , in all weather conditions , but that is n't too demanding for youngsters joining the class .
4 Above all , as the preface points out , it is a study that gives first and last voice to the users of the mental health services themselves .
5 He 's a soldier that gives everything ; throws himself at the enemy and for once every ball , he touched finished in the back of the net .
6 The duo agreed a deal that gives Duff access to some of the country 's finest prospects , and gives Martin 's camp TV time .
7 Caterers can no longer afford to look for a machine that gives performance at any cost .
8 A dimension that gives you a more effective heating system that 's cheaper to run — Total Heating with Central Control .
9 Of the Paternoster Square development , what he wanted to see , he said , was ‘ a roofscape that gives the impression that St Paul 's is floating above it like a great ship in the sea ’ .
10 ‘ We build a device that gives people the same power over information that large corporations and the Government have had over people , ’ proclaimed one promotional video made by Apple Computer Company .
11 The poet sees in life a truth that gives significance to the otherwise mean and trivial things .
12 When negotiating on behalf of the management the warranties being requested by the investor , a compromise that gives the investor the comfort it requires , without undue pressure on the management , is to be sought ; the management and the investor will have a continuing relationship following completion of the transaction .
13 Can you move house or work out a schedule that gives you more time to be together ?
14 The question really means : What is it about the idea of a god that gives it its stability and penetrance in the cultural environment ?
15 This is always true and follows from using the present values of redemption cash flows rather than actual values , a procedure that gives greater weight to earlier cash flows .
16 Act at all times in a manner that gives full effect to your obligations under the law and the regulatory framework .
17 Reductions in support levels should be carried out at a pace that gives efficient farmers time to adjust and diversify .
18 They will need space and comfort , perhaps a garden if they have always been used to one and enjoy gardening , and , above all , they will need a property that gives them some self esteem and security .
19 These included the proposition that violation of their major commitments by the Treaty parties would free the Soviet Union from its commitments under the Protocol , a statement that gives rise to at least two third party dilemmas .
20 Likewise , by efficient data storage the user benefits from having a system that gives him relevant information quickly .
21 Realistically the championship was never quite on the agenda this year , but setting up a system that gives us regular qualification for Europe and the occasional cup run/win will be satisfactory IMO .
22 A system that gives higher standards of hygiene and health care , stronger family ties , more time productively spent out of cells . ’
23 Instead , this is a solitude that gives space for God within us .
24 Very occasionally there is a document that gives us a clue .
25 Through the arches is Piazza Cavour , named after the hero of the Risorgimento , a piazza that gives on to the Giardini Pubblici ( Public Gardens ) , one of several splendid oases of green in the city .
26 The choreographer must learn the natural functioning of the dancers ' bodies in order to combine steps and poses in a way that gives quality to the whole .
27 in a way that gives the company a competitive advantage over rivals
28 In practice it is often difficult to define bibliographical types in a way that gives a reliable guide to content , and the selector is best advised to look at each bibliography individually .
29 I shall argue that he overstates the significance that can be attributed to literacy in itself : that he lends authority to a language for describing literacy practices that often contradicts even his own stated disclaimers of the ‘ strong ’ case ; that he understates the qualities of oral communication ; that he sets up unhelpful and often untestable polarities between , for instance , the ‘ potentialities ’ of literacy and ‘ restricted literacy ’ ; and that he polarises the differences between oral and literate modes of communication in a way that gives insufficient credit to the reality of ‘ mixed ’ and interacting modes .
30 What the strategy does do , is to formalize and focus the analysis in a way that gives everybody concerned the essential basis for developing and judging good advertising — the two aspects that take up the next two chapters .
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