Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [pron] happened " in BNC.

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1 We have another description of him at this date from a diarist who happened to meet him .
2 I had recorded my favourite radio serial one evening , along with twenty minutes of a programme which happened to follow it .
3 The following interesting account of a waterspout which happened about the middle of the 18th century is copied from Mr. Hutchinson .
4 A priest who happened to be visiting my mother volunteered to stay on one of these occasions , but the screams drove him out .
5 ‘ It was a pity it happened to her , the prettiest in the village .
6 Would a Melanesian who happened to be one 's cousin five times removed be a relation or a foreigner ?
7 ‘ Well , he does n't sound like anyone I know , ’ I said , ‘ unless he 's a caddie who happened to be passing nearby and wanted to quiz me about any work available . ’
8 Gradually , however , Joe came to see me less as an interloper and increasingly as a friend who happened to share both his home and his mother with him .
9 ‘ I 'm calling a friend who happened to be in London with me , ’ he drawled coolly .
10 For a minute nothing happened .
11 I was also lucky in working for a sergeant who happened to have only three figures in his official service number , a relic of the old Royal Flying Corps .
12 For some , the crime may even pay : thus in the Goodrich disc-brake scandal of the late 1960s , when the company attempted to foist a defective brake-disc system on to a customer who happened to be too clever to be deceived , two of the main executives involved were later promoted ( Vandivier 1972 : 33 ) .
13 Moral suasion caused the banks to discriminate between customers in a manner unrelated to their ordinary business relations : a customer who happened to be an exporter was eligible for funds , but an equally good customer who , say , imported manufactured consumer goods was deprived of necessary funds .
14 ‘ Maggie darling , I do n't have a clue what happened last night , but I think you do . ’
15 But in a way what happened last season gave us a necessary jolt .
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