Example sentences of "a [noun] be held " in BNC.

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1 A railway company came to Wall 's aid and before long a trial was held under floodlit conditions .
2 In February 1987 a mass petition was presented to the Queen asking that a referendum be held in Northern Ireland to determine whether the agreement should continue .
3 Najibullah proposed that a referendum be held in both government and mujaheddin-controlled areas to determine whether a ceasefire should be implemented .
4 Reiterating earlier calls from Czech leaders , he proposed that a referendum be held on the issue .
5 The controversy over criteria for granting Latvian citizenship flared up again at the end of March , when President Anatolijs Gorbunovs proposed that a referendum be held on the issue [ for October and November 1991 controversy see p. 38585 ] .
6 A referendum was held on Jan. 29 , 1990 , in the five mountain provinces of north-central Luzon under the October 1989 Cordillera Organic Act [ see p. 37042 ] .
7 A referendum was held on May 12 in the " Autonomous Region " of Krajina , as announced by its leadership on April 30 .
8 A joint statement by COSATU and the ANC issued on Nov. 5 said : " A referendum was held in the streets of our country today .
9 A referendum was held on Nov. 3-5 among the Inuit people in northern Canada on the proposed establishment of Nunavut , a huge semi-autonomous Inuit territory to be carved from the eastern reaches of the Northwest Territories .
10 If a decision is held to be non-justiciable the court will decline jurisdiction over it .
11 Elections of a kind are held in the Soviet Union , and in many other countries which are , officially or unofficially , one-party states .
12 In practice a contestant is held responsible for the behaviour of team-members and the coach , and he may face a severe penalty if they misbehave .
13 A counsel was held lots were who should walk up to the master after supper that evening and ask for more , it fell Oliver Twist
14 During the Friday evening a banquet was held in the Hallam Hall , at which the principal guest was Colonel Sir Crisp English , the Prime Warden of the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths , whose presence marked the coming together again of the Company and its erstwhile School .
15 A demonstration was held in the Slovak capital , Bratislava , on Oct. 28 , on the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of the Czechoslovak Republic , in support of a continuing federation .
16 Following this , on March 9 , a demonstration was held outside the London offices of Texaco — the multi-million dollar oil empire .
17 A demonstration was held outside the hospital after it was first suggested the units might close , but now the protestors must wait until next year to see what happens .
18 In Jones [ 1981 ] Crim LR 119 , minor abrasions and a bruise were held to be actual bodily harm , though the case was thought to be on the margins .
19 His own new powers , however , should last only until direct elections for a President were held .
20 On the same day a ceremony was held in Berlin at which the three Western generals at the Allied Kommandatura ( the Soviet union having withdrawn from the four-power control commission in 1948 ) relinquished their responsibility for the city , while the four powers held a joint ceremony at the Glienecke Bridge between East and West Berlin .
21 A ceremony was held on Feb. 2 to mark the formal handing back to Nicaragua of 17 Soviet-made anti-aircraft missiles , out of a shipment of 28 sent to the FMLN by officers in the Nicaraguan army [ see p. 37956 ] .
22 A ceremony was held to mark the occasion and 's widow is pictured planting the tree with managing director .
23 It will be recalled that , according to this theory , a stimulus is held to be fully effective only when it is able to generate the Al ( primary activation ) state in the node that constitutes its central representation .
24 Repeated presentation of a stimulus is held to bring about a decline in the size of the attentional response .
25 In accordance with the Constitution a plebiscite was held on Oct. 5 , 1988 , to decide whether Pinochet should remain in office for a further eight years upon the expiry of his term in 1990 .
26 In Osred 's first year a council was held on the banks of the River Nidd , again presided over by Archbishop Beorhtwald , at which both Aelfflaed and Berhtfrith spoke in Wilfrid 's favour ; Wilfrid was not restored to York , of which John of Beverley , bishop of Hexham , became bishop , but he was allowed to retain his former possessions of Ripon and Hexham as bishop of Hexham ( HE V , 19 : Vita Wilfridi , ch. 60 ) .
27 At this stage in the proceedings the papal party split up , Theophylact visiting Mercia and ‘ parts of Britain' ; George went into Northumbria , where a council was held in the presence of King Aelfwald and Eanbald , archbishop of York , in which canons were passed to correct the erroneous ways into which the Northumbrian Church was thought to have fallen .
28 The suggestion was discussed in Chapter 2 that the manner in which a pen is held in the hand during writing may be used as an index of speech lateralisation .
29 A comp is held by popular demand , but although there was a good turnout by competitors and supporters , it seemed as if the old Farnborough magic had gone forever despite some damn radical action from Jeff Hedges .
30 In March 1912 a test was held for probationers .
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