Example sentences of "and open [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You must be flexible and open to the suggestions we make .
2 But already by the time of Pope Gregory I ( d. 604 ) the monastic movement , widely diversified as it was , was being integrated into the life of the church at large and open to the demands made on it by the church 's interests and needs .
3 Here , the English Tourist Board and the local authority decided the magnificent fifteenth-century castle , if it was to remain intact and open to the public , would not find a purchaser without permission for development .
4 it is now well cared for and open to the public
5 The windmill here , restored in 1931 and open to the public , is one of the oldest surviving in Britain .
6 The problems of the informal interview , then , are considerable , and they may make us feel that the formal type of interview is much less beset with difficulties and open to the criticism of lack of scientific method .
7 Anyone of a moderately sensitive disposition , who is not in the thrall of what Aldous Huxley termed their ‘ idiot monologue ’ of petty rigmarole , but who is sufficiently inwardly tranquil and open to the influence of the landscape , can not fail to be struck by the uncanny quality which the chalk ‘ breathes out ’ at different times of day under particular atmospheric conditions .
8 YORKSHIRE AIR MUSEUM 's aircraft display hall/hangar is now finished and open to the public .
9 James Thorne 's discussion of the long-standing debate over the interpretation of Robert Frost 's " stopping by woods " is instructive precisely because , among other things , it recognises the limitations of a stylistics that aims , or claims , to be objective and exhaustive , and because it highlights the need to be selective in description and open to the coexistence of multiple meanings in interpretation .
10 Their lateral line organs are buried in canals which run along the head and body , and open into the water through pores .
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