Example sentences of "and stared at [art] " in BNC.

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1 I left the car outside the farm and was about to walk between the walls when I paused and stared at a cow in the field on the other side of the road .
2 In his room he unpacked the little portable typewriter that had once been Jenny 's and stared at a blank paper until his embarrassment had faded .
3 He lay and stared at the wall .
4 I crawled over the grass and sat with my back against the farmhouse and stared at the blood pouring down the front of my battledress .
5 She hoisted the baby on to her hip and dragging a chair close up to the television set , sat down and stared at the blank screen .
6 McLeish told Francesca to hang on while he got this down as a note , and stared at the result .
7 Philip put his glasses on and stared at the boy .
8 Stung by her mockery , Frankie hung his head and stared at the remnants of his intended peace-offering .
9 Alida went out and stared at the empty letter cage in the hall , called sharply after the man , that there had been some mistake .
10 He sat up and stared at the sky in wonder .
11 He knew that she stopped and stared at the sea or the sky far too much these days .
12 He sat and stared at the desk in front of him , the creamy whorls in the wood , the tanned grain .
13 Walter Carew raised his head and stared at the grey tendrils of smoke climbing up from the brown barren waste .
14 She looked away and stared at the fire again .
15 He lowered his hand and stared at the man sitting facing him .
16 He turned over and stared at the sky .
17 Friar Tuck stirred himself and stared at the Trapper .
18 The men stood and stared at the abandoned Glory for what seemed like hours .
19 He turned and stared at the pool .
20 She sat and stared at the view , while he opened the trunk and lifted out the sheet , complete with its light-brown rose of blood .
21 Willie nodded and stared at the ground .
22 The girls looked a little less sulky and stared at the two townees .
23 ‘ No , ’ he answered , and he picked at one of the nails on his fingers and stared at the floorboards wishing he could disappear into them .
24 He sat down and stared at the gifts quite speechless .
25 Quinn replaced the phone , walked to the long couch , lay on his back with his hands clasped behind his head and stared at the ceiling .
26 He showered again to get rid of the tell-tale smell , then lay on his bed and stared at the ceiling , quite immobile , thinking .
27 He lay on his back , as on so many previous nights , and stared at the ceiling and thought .
28 Ellen , usually so quick with a scornful reply , just stood and stared at the elegant stranger who stopped one pace away from her , took her hand , then bowed above her fingers .
29 Cowley walked to the bed and stared at the silent man .
30 Bodie stood by Doyle 's bed and stared at the pale face of his friend , the eyes closed but moving restlessly beneath the lids .
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