Example sentences of "and i suppose [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I , I mean I went like this into dinner okay , and I suppose everyone was like what 's she doing in a skirt or whatever cos they were all like looking and then like half way when I was eating I could feel them all staring at me and laughing and Jim and that lot were laughing and I could see Charlie
2 I deal with children all the time erm many of my I 've been there eight years now and so lots of children have passed through my hands who in particular have lots of educational problems and need special help , and I suppose somebody though erm that although the rage now is to have Governors who are working in industry , and that 's perfectly proper , that it would n't be a bad idea to have somebody who is supposed to have some knowledge and background of the way children behave and what children need , so erm although I do have some politics , you know , Bill , I erm largely keep them quiet in the governing body .
3 And I suppose what I was thinking was that when he 's worked till five or six he was doing it every day , but he has n't .
4 We are as strong as Cornwall but they have the experience of having played in last season 's final , and I suppose they 'll be bringing their fair share of support .
5 There was an old deckhouse off a ship and these old chaps used to meet there and I suppose they 'd be talking of old times — shipbuilding .
6 A field of stalagmites lies there , looking strangely translucent , and I suppose they could look like a little army of gnomes if the shadows were right .
7 And I suppose they would n't have liked it if I 'd had to stay till I was sixteen , cos th the money was needed to come in , so I do n't suppose they would have liked it .
8 Er and they did , they influenced , they influenced er me a lot , a lot really and I suppose they did my brother as well .
9 And I suppose they always were . ’
10 And I suppose they would be wooden boats would they
11 And er the foreman and bosses that knew people and they knew the circumstances and I suppose they put a word in and erm you know men were sort of stopped because er I mean , if a man had a house full of children or something , he 'd probably be the very last you know before he was sort of forced to g you know sacked or wh And I mean they were n't sacked in a sense , they was always ready there was a place ready for them to come back to there .
12 Erm , yes Chairman , the , the suggestion of the recommendation if you like , that er , Reginald 's erm , proposal it is , er to participate is , is er , rejected by er , I do n't particularly feel that way about it , that erm , if , apart from the fact that the contribution is sizable , and I do n't think that we 'll get all that many applications from the Regional District Council anyway , but erm , I would n't see harm at all of both Oswestry and Bridgenorth being allowed to send a representative if there were any applications , it 'd be good for their area , er , and er , even if they were n't allowed to vote on it , and I suppose they should n't be allowed to vote on it , erm , I , I would see it as erm , another attempt , another avenue to , towards partnership between District Council and the County Council development .
13 So I suppose what you do with Debs is er tell them you want the whole discount and I suppose they give you a card for each floor cos you ca n't walk around with it each floor can you ?
14 And I suppose they go along about I do n't expect they do about six miles an hour .
15 And I suppose their slang version to gon na help out other people .
16 The last thing that a representational theorist really wants to have to explain is the global nature of thinking ; and I suppose we can regard Fodor 's pessimism as an implicit kind of owning up to this .
17 And I suppose we might have lost her in the long run , but not just yet . ’
18 LM And I suppose we have already eliminated many of the causes of aggression — in some measure .
19 HOLY Week is a time when many people look around for devotional reading , and I suppose we should be grateful to the Observer for drawing attention to a ‘ dirty ’ book on sex for Catholics which has been written by the 30-year-old retiring editor of the Catholic Herald and a friend .
20 Nothing else was right , you had to go for the best in life , and I suppose we 've always felt that . ’
21 We were pleased when the news was good and depressed when it was bad , but first things came first and I suppose we all felt we were doing our bit and that our personal lives were at that moment of secondary importance .
22 I went into a small room and handed my Service Pay Book to the Waaf Officer seated behind the desk , and I suppose we exchanged a few words .
23 We were out of our depth in the sea , and I suppose we forgot to tread water in the excitement of the moment and the next thing I knew , we were both submerged and choking and spluttering as we pushed our way back to the surface .
24 ‘ Yes , of course , ’ said Sophia , ‘ and I suppose we did n't really ask them to come with us , did we .
25 And I suppose we 'd better go and asphyxiate ourselves up at the sulphur springs .
26 My Lords , I er apologise first of all that I was not able to hear some of the earlier speeches in this Debate erm but it does seem to me a most interesting Debate and I have to confess that I always become slightly uneasy er when the great and the good , and I suppose we should collectively cast ourselves in that role of being the great and good of the establishment are all of one view and I wonder whether it is necessarily right and so I begin to question er whether your Lordships enthusiasm for many of these amendments and their attack upon the Government 's proposals is necessarily as soundly based as we might think if we just listen to casually to it all .
27 And I suppose we also experience a sixth sense .
28 Thank you , that was lovely , lovely , lovely , erm it 's Mr , erm , and I suppose we ought to , no , ju ju just can you just pause a mo on it please because I 'm just looking at the possibilities , there are two names that John has found us instrumentations .
29 They 're a bit small for me really , and I suppose my feet have swollen .
30 And I suppose my first step on the path would be to tell you where the jade is ? ’
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