Example sentences of "and i speak [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was very impressed with the film , it was brilliantly made and riveting — and I speak as one who hated director Ridley Scott 's Thelma And Louise .
2 It is mind-blowing , and I speak as an expert .
3 There 's nothing more soul- destroying ( and I speak as a seasoned dieter here ! ) than those inflexible diet regimes : no meals out , no dinner parties , no treats .
4 ‘ Sometimes , old boy — and I speak as one who has changed a good many nappies in his time and is not a total stranger to either the washing-up bowl or the kitchen stove — sometimes I wish we were still living in the good old bad old days . ’
5 One welcomes the provision that housing associations can make , and I speak as a member of the management committee of a housing association .
6 And such a sentence need n't be confined to the characters of the Bible ; words like those ought to be part of the way that you and I speak about our lives .
7 erm my point is this , and I speak with some authority , I speak Arabic , I 'm an ex-colonial policeman in Palestine
8 We employ 30,000 people in the UK business and I speak to 15,000 of them every year in groups of 200 or less , because I think the Japanese have shown what good human relations can achieve .
9 and dumb and I speak to him like a goldfish .
10 ‘ As your commanding officer , I 'm the senior member of the Board and I speak for the others .
11 I should think that all politicians , and I speak for myself , we all face this temptation .
12 Er the speed they come out of that bend is unbelievable and I speak from experience Madam Chairman because my daughter lives on that very corner where the bend is and er
13 Chairman I think this is probably the first time in this council chamber in twenty years that er I will probably have spoken on er social services issues er and I speak from an entirely private capacity and any information that er that comes my way is from what I might call informed members of the public erm , people who I come into contact with and from my own experiences as a ward councillor and from as we all do from time to time , my own family experience , my own domestic experiences and I do know something about the problems which are associated with the the care of elderly people er although I do n't have that problem now erm things have taken their course .
14 Erm , erm , apart from the meeting last week the last , last month , er one of our mem one of our members noticed that erm we had n't got a delegate to age concern and she volunteered , that 's a Mrs would you like to okay that cos the Chairman and I speaking to her thought well this was a good idea and I have forwarded her name to age concern who 've contact her .
15 And I felt happy , and I spoke to her of love .
16 Johnston said : ‘ Things have not gone very well for me at Everton and I spoke to the gaffer recently about it .
17 So I got up then and I spoke to the room you know and we were more or less helping one another out and I thought the Chairman had done well when he said erm they do n't speak er Welsh for fancy or anything they use it as every day .
18 Neil for two congresses I 've come here and I spoke to your predecessor about team working and the team working concept and I told th your predecessor that the steel union was about to takeover our craftsmen and our general workers .
19 And I spoke to erm who appointed Mr to take the case for me .
20 ‘ I have made up my own mind where I want to go and I spoke to Frank Clark this morning the first time for a fortnight .
21 I rang up after two weeks and I spoke to the nurse and she said , oh , your cholesterol 's alright .
22 amazed I actually did erm what happened erm I was happened to be upstairs and my wife shouted quick quick there 's a zither , so I zoomed down here and the lady was still talking to you and a dialled well consequently I did n't get through for quite some time but I did eventually , erm your lady on the reception said well it 's gone now she said but I will give the lady 's telephone number and I spoke to the lady and told her the position and she says well if it 's not collected by so time I 'll g ring you back and I said well I 've been after one for a long long time she said well I ca n't understand it cos I 've been advertising it .
23 Erm , and I spoke to her in , in Tina 's car and she was caught out .
24 ‘ We spoke about the very good relationships between our Churches in Britain and I spoke about our foundation under John Wesley , with the links between personal piety and the search for righteousness in social justice We spoke about these things linking our two Churches together at quite a deep level .
25 When , when this was first suggested erm was couple of questions came back and Selwyn and I spoke about it , was the fact that w are there or would there be any recriminations for people who kind of belong to any Neighbourhood Watch , like a brick through a window or , or , because anybody who saw erm that programme on television
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