Example sentences of "and the less [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As far as informal carers are concerned , the evidence that families may be unable to take on extra responsibilities , and the less certain evidence that elderly people may prefer care by professionals , with help and support from the family , rather than entirely by kin , are conveniently ignored .
2 Westergaard and Resler ( who produced the figures for the period up to 1960 in Table 5 ) suggest that the most significant redistribution was within the wealthiest groups , rather than between them and the less well-off .
3 The National Unemployed Workers Movement and the less successful Minority Movement were the main instruments in the campaign for " immediate demands " which was organized around the " National Charter " of 1931 .
4 The more the hybridizing and crossing back and forth has concentrated on the spectacular , the further it has taken the plants from the vigour of their natural origins , and the less resistant many have become to pest and disease .
5 The importance of NO 2 in the Antarctic stratosphere stems from its influence on the partitioning of chlorine between the reactive form , ClO , and the less reactive form , chlorine nitrate , ClONO 2 ( see for example ref. 7 ) :
6 This reflects the more predictable nature of macerated stillbirths and the less predictable nature of asphyxia in labour .
7 Thus this period saw the division of the global system into three ‘ worlds ’ : the first world of developed capitalist states ; the communist bloc , or second world ; and the less developed third-world states of the southern hemisphere .
8 One of these is the changing relationship of the former USSR and its separate parts on the one hand and the less developed countries ( LDCs ) on the other .
9 Chocolate or chocolate liqueur is prepared by grinding the kernel of the cocoa bean and can be divided into two parts : the fatty part , cocoa butter , and the less fatty cocoa powder .
10 There is the economic risk that the investment will not make electricity any cheaper , and the less quantifiable but no less real political risk to the CEGB and government of introducing a controversial new technology into the UK .
11 Variations can also be expected to exist between the more and the less accessible rural areas , but few published data exist that allow this to be illustrated .
12 These broad regional variations conceal substantial differences at the sub-regional level , although , again , these can be classified in terms of the more accessible and the less accessible areas .
13 Some care needs to be carried out by two nurses , and the less experienced will learn from the other .
14 The more serious the violation by the police and the less serious the charge the more likely it is that the evidence will be inadmissible , though there are occasions in Scotland where crucial evidence has been struck out in serious cases which include murder .
15 Certainly the intermediate standing of many of these men is plain to see ; the alternating qualifications of £10 in lands and £100 in goods seem specifically designed to cater for small-town merchants and the less affluent London ones , conceding statutory confirmation of the observation that they ‘ often change estate with gentlemen ’ .
16 Third , for any checklist which claims a developmental sequence , the larger the ‘ developmental space ’ between items , the less the checklist will discriminate levels of linguistic ability , and the less accurate it will be .
17 In general , the fewer mental symptoms people experience and the less preoccupied they are with an internal abnormal world , the more able they are to live successfully in the community .
18 The ‘ normal minimum admission standards ’ listed in these tables are for many areas of study a realistic indication of the grades likely to be required and applicants who hold these grades stand an excellent chance of being made an offer , eg for most degrees in the Faculty of Arts , the Faculty of Science and Engineering , and the less pressured areas in the Social Sciences such as Nursing Studies or Social Policy .
19 And after half an hour of discussing the good things and the less good things about the royal family the vote , apart from a few abstentions , we have worried a few people fo fo fo forty three people say we think that it should be a republic , fifty four no , so there is there 's a swing factor in the middle .
20 But there are plenty of rides suitable for children and the less daring , just choose from any number of family rides available in Funshineland .
21 Again in 1948 , after struggling through the war years , for which services they were grossly undercompensated , these 4 grouped companies , virtually bankrupt , were nationalised , and the less profitable lines , often many of them rural , were closed and the tracks lifted .
22 On the opposite side of the piazza from the church , beyond the row of elegant short pillars and the less fetching white domes erected to stop the Milanese from parking on the pavements , is Palazzo Trivulzio , a sixteenth-century building that has been remodelled and is in need of a little loving care .
23 To her Culkin delivers a Buddha-like speech about being true to your heart , nice to animals and the less fortunate , never crossing on a red light etc , etc .
24 a general enrichment of the concrete substance of civilized life , a general reduction of risk and insecurity , an equalization between the more and the less fortunate at all levels — between the healthy and the sick , the employed and the unemployed , the old and the active , the bachelor and the father of the large family .
25 In the wider world we examine the great differences between countries like our own and the less fortunate poor world .
26 Then back to the farmyard to untackle and fodder the horse , to strip off his own thatch of soaked sacking , and milk cows by the light of a lantern that swung from a hook in the roof and smelled sharply in contrast with the milky smell of steaming cows and the less agreeable smell of fresh dung .
27 In the latter years of the last century and until the first world war , American massemployment industry and the less agreeable urban occupations drew their workforce extensively from eastern Europe as well as from the labour surplus of American farms .
28 In general , the lower an individual 's class position , the more likely he or she is to leave school at the minimum leaving age and the less likely to aspire and strive for a highly rewarded position .
29 There is little variation by sex or social class in these attitudes , and little consistent variation with age except that the older the respondents , the more likely they are to consider Respect for authority and Discipline and orderliness essential , and the less likely to consider Sex education essential .
30 According to Craik and Lockhart , the deeper the level of processing , the stronger will be the memory trace , and the less likely that forgetting will occur .
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