Example sentences of "and the [adj] thing " in BNC.

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1 And the poor thing so badly trained that it can not be brought into a Christian household . ’
2 And buy a sheep and come home with it and that over the bridge with it , all along and along er that road there and th and when we used to come from that school in , he used to be coming with a sheep on the string like this and the poor thing , I used to look at the old sheep and he often used to be tired you see .
3 And the wee thing 's and I do n't think you 'd get a bit sinus in the wee .
4 and the awkward thing was to hack a wood in the centre
5 After the non-fictional Sportsman 's Sketches , Fathers and Children is Turgenev 's best book , and the best thing in it , apart perhaps from the bereaved old couple at the end , is the sensitive give-and-take marriage of its hero 's idealism to his scepticism , a questing , generous idealism and an undestroying scepticism .
6 For example , the deployment of explosive rats where they would do the most good , or harm ( in wartime the two may be synonymous ) was aided by accompanying them by leaflets saying that the British were delivering rats infected with bubonic plague and the best thing to do with them , if found , was to throw them into a furnace .
7 Yours will most probably be the arms she needs at this point , and the best thing you can do for her is to show that you share her grief , and that as far as possible you are going to be the rock on which she can lean while the sands of her life are shifting so frighteningly beneath her feet .
8 So I thought , there might be a Law about it , and the best thing to do would be to ask a solicitor .
9 She wrote my mum a long letter saying that I was a Devil Child and the best thing my mum could do with me was have me exorcized .
10 If there are four to do , so you 'll all again at least twice and the best thing you have is you have more practice er so are you all clear on what you have to do , what you 're allotted to have to sell ?
11 It 's because there are economies of scale , alright , now if there are gains to be had from specialisation right , and consumers want specialised products and the best thing to do is to , erm , focus production in a single location right , for lots of different variants of this product right .
12 But the whole area of the tombs is dotted with ornamental buildings of various kinds , and the best thing of all is the great avenue of stone animals and people who guard the sacred approach to the tombs .
13 from escaping through the top and if you 're i if it 's a fa you know , there 's some light or disturbance you and want to sleep and the best thing to do is to go into a light doze cos , you know , you ca n't do much else that 's cover your face .
14 and the best thing is that nobody 's doing it , everybody 's doing cabaret spots along the line jokes and stuff like that , but nobody 's not doing cabaret spots with trumpets
15 lifting and the best thing the to do is to do it when your grandma 's not there .
16 Yes erm now on erm Tuesday as I say we 've got five open races actually Peter , five open races on Tuesday , but erm one of the best erm things that happened to us is that the Pall Mall which is the biggest event erm in erm March , erm that 's being sponsored now by one of the track bookmakers called Max Thomas and the best thing about it is that erm he is erm putting in so much prize money with the major the supporting opens on our gala night , that erm there 's not a race worth in the open race , there 's not worth less than two hundred and erm there 's three races worth five hundred pounds each to the winner and the big race is worth five thousand so that 's an early erm plug for to keep in your diary , like the Pall Mall which is March the twenty third .
17 Act the way you would like to behave and the chances are the act and the real thing will merge .
18 We both had a doll and pram when we were seven and the real thing ten years later .
19 Cast out the rowing machine that sits gathering dust in your bedroom , put your oar in and the real thing — you do n't have to be an undergraduate at Oxbridge .
20 ‘ Fivers , Walter , and the real thing .
21 They know the difference between right and wrong and plastic and the real thing .
22 I remember lying in bed and the only thing I could see was the dim glow of the light bulb on the ceiling .
23 Catholics were rebels who only wanted to destroy not only Northern Ireland but also the Protestant nature of the rest of the British Isles and the only thing which maintained civil liberties was adherence to the Protestant faith .
24 ‘ You say you 're here to discuss something very big and important , ’ said one in Frankfurt ; ‘ but when I read everything … the focus and the only thing that is being discussed is the issue of the hostages . ’
25 Without doubt , the Tampico is the best place to stay if you like a quieter relaxed atmosphere and the beach — it starts all of about 10 metres from the bar , and the only thing separating the two is the swimming pool .
26 He suggested that one reason his parents had talked so much about it was that ‘ they really were like oil and water , and the only thing they really agreed about was the ballet .
27 Many times the chub take slugs so viciously they rip them clean off the hook , and the only thing you can do to improve matters is to thread the line through the full length of the slug with a baiting needle , attach the hook and pull it back so that one end of the slug is lying in the bend of the hook .
28 ‘ Oh , its been a strain — I did n't mind at first because she 'd stay down at her flat for short periods of time , but obviously as her memory 's got worse she does n't realise that she 's got a flat , and the only thing she knows is in here , and this is the only place she wants to be — here .
29 The troublesome lamps flank the couch , where constituents sit and watch their congressman appear and disappear ; and the only thing that saved Orton from rushing to the floor to cast phantom votes when his clock buzzer went off was the fall-back alarm system , a personal bleeper .
30 It is daft and unpleasant , rationalises Richard , but logical : ‘ You 're told where to go and what to say — or at least how to say it — and the only thing you can control is the shape of your sandwich or whether your coffee 's cold , so that 's where you exercise the control . ’
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