Example sentences of "and sir [noun] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 One only has to read out their names — Sir Julian , Sir Geoffrey , Sir Michael and Sir Robin et al , to be transported back if not to Camelot then to an Excalibur lager commercial .
2 Mr Heseltine has long advocated an extension of such agencies to other British regions , and Sir Geoffrey 's new-found support could signal Cabinet debate on industrial policy — an issue which has been omitted from this week 's conference agenda .
3 But the Prime Minister himself had compiled the circulation list and Sir Edward 's name was not on it .
4 His passion for speculation in land and stocks overburdened him , and Sir Thomas 's good fortune turned rapidly downhill , a pattern that dogged the Websters until they sold the estate in the 1850s .
5 There is a beautiful garden , and Sir Winston 's studio containing many of his paintings .
6 All the members of the family , along with Mrs Prynn , the head groom and Sir Gregory 's personal manservant , were called to attend at a private meeting in the refectory .
7 He had pronounced on Lady Isabella and Sir Richard 's guilt or innocence without any reference to the coroner .
8 The heat in the narrow packed streets was stifling and Sir James ' men began to complain loudly ; the lay brother , used to Corbett 's strange ways , slumped resignedly on his gentle cob whilst Ranulf looked askance at his erratic and peculiar master .
9 For all the hard work on his and Sir David 's part , however , this proved too harsh a deadline ; but then with Mr George 's conference ending yet again in indecision , his lordship set his sights on a further great conference scheduled to take place in Switzerland the following year .
10 Included in the sale are numerous letters , photographic albums , and Sir George 's notes while chairman of the England selectors — and his last car , a 1968 T-Series Bentley .
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