Example sentences of "and goes [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Here it is important to distinguish between ephemeral sedimentation that comes and goes with the seasons and permanent sedimentation that actually accumulates and stays .
2 The detachable remittance slip is the proof of the cover and goes with the deeds .
3 Indeed , this is the most significant aspect of the role of religion in the divisions and conflicts in Ireland and goes to the heart of the matter .
4 Everyone then gets out of the habit of going to the pub and goes to the ever-increasing competition such as McDonald 's or other fast food establishments .
5 It is very important to go to the mikva on time , and the woman who puts herself out and goes to the mikva even when it is not convenient to go , is commended by the rabbis in Jewish literature .
6 Waiting to board a plane in Venezuela , Faber suddenly feels faint , and goes to the bathroom , hoping that the plane will leave without him .
7 Initially everyone welcomes the idea , but very quickly the organization outgrows the house and goes to the local authority demanding permission to build in the grounds .
8 Always taking cold which settles in the nose , throat or ears and goes to the chest .
9 And supposing Susan thinks you 're a crook , and goes to the police ? ’ ,
10 She inches to the edge of the bed , he follows ; she lies on her back , his hand attempts to part her furiously dry lips ; she wraps herself in the sheet , the tense warmth of his body suffocates her doubly ; she leaps up and goes to the lavatory , he watches her through the glass wall .
11 Section C is taking the basic feel from A and making it a little busier ( this is a good technique to use over a middle 8 section in order to build it dynamically , but not lose the original direction for the song ) ; it then repeats to A and goes to the coda .
12 From Kingsford Country Park the Way passes Solcum Farm and goes to the village of Drakelow and on to Shatterford .
13 Five minutes later , the man with sunglasses comes out of the house and goes to the black car in the road .
14 If someone is unlucky and goes to the wrong festival , the lesson will not open with the words that I have quoted .
15 The relationship between cash crops , particularly those for export , and subsistence crops for local consumption , has occasioned an intense and sometimes bitter debate that has been going on for decades , if not centuries , and goes to the very heart of the global capitalist system and its transnational contradictions .
16 sh , he 's really sort of like , dead brainy and goes to the child-minder and goes to school and whatever !
17 If the stake can not take the strain and goes at the ground level weak spot , the plant stem has to bend sharply where it is trapped between its firmly-held root and the bottom tie .
18 Boli — Boom Boom to Marseille fans — was recently banned for four games after a fearsome tackle on Monaco 's Jurgen Klinsmann and goes into the European Cup tie talking more like a boxer than a footballer .
19 Liotta ( left ) investigates a burglary and goes beyond the call of duty …
20 The person who sits on the dais in Ottawa or Canberra and goes through the motions of opening a Parliament is not and can not be the same being at all as the person who does these things and has done them from time immemorial at Westminster .
21 It was developed as part of Project Athena at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , and goes under the unexciting name of X Window .
22 Hoffs twists some hair and goes for the sexism angle .
23 It is run by hydro electric power and goes along the 15,000 miles of track at speed in excess of 100 mph .
24 And before most ministerial committees an equivalent official committee meets and goes over the points , so that the meeting can proceed without a hitch to an agreed conclusion , provided none of the ministers wishes to interject a personal note .
25 It gloats when we win and goes in the huff when we lose .
26 Do n't panic about a squint that comes and goes in the first few months , though , as this is quite normal and happens because she has n't developed binocular vision yet .
27 Walking over Mickleden the route leads up to Stake Pass and goes around the shores of Derwent Water to Keswick .
28 It had n't lost one , there was no eye socket on one side of its head , so after the photos and the corny jokes about ’ one eye and goes by the name of lucky ’ back into the water and off she swam .
29 This is a decidedly minority view and goes against the overwhelming majority of scientific evidence .
30 They 're worried that having the two groups together is a recipe for trouble , and goes against the Government 's own policy .
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