Example sentences of "and particularly [det] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , the UDC experience , and particularly that of the LDDC , has now brought into focus alternative strategies for urban regeneration .
2 However , there is evidence to suggest that some women distrusted other methods of birth control , and particularly that of male withdrawal ; not all women could reckon on either being able to ‘ push him out of the way when I think it 's near ’ , or on their husbands ' constant exercise of self-control .
3 In this section we discuss the role of such interest groups , and particularly that of class interests emphasized in Marxist theories of the state .
4 Our histological observations enable us to confirm the strong influence of the above mentioned factors on fundic argyrophil cells and particularly that of MEN 1 since fundic argyrophil cell tumours were found to occur only in patients with MEN 1 with a prevalence of 29.5% .
5 Not that Church and State were easily separable in the Merovingian period ; on the contrary , the authority of the Church , and particularly that of the bishops , was connected with the power of the king , especially in the urban centres of the Frankish kingdom .
6 Budapest also remain apprehensive about the nature of Romania 's future political parties , and particularly those of the National Christian Peasant Party , which was recently formed with the help of Mrs Doina Cornea , one of Romania 's leading former dissidents .
7 In the 1960s , moral reformism , he argues , was aimed most specifically at sexual practices , and particularly those of women .
8 Airline finances and particularly those of small independents are very volatile , sometimes the difference between profit and loss resting on two or three additional seats being filled .
9 As a generality , the fossil record of the vertebrates is not as complete as that of many of the invertebrate groups , and particularly those with a continuous fossil record like the ammonoids .
10 Reports nationwide reflect a similar story : smaller firms , and particularly those with one to three partners , are giving up training chartered accountants and , if they are continuing to train at all , employing people who are training for other cheaper and more flexible accountancy qualifications .
11 It was people in higher socio-economic groups , of high education , and particularly those with bank accounts who named the widest selection of credit sources .
12 The Thatcher fiscal revolution — redistributing income to those with most — must be reversed , but in such a way as to extend an incentive-based society to all taxpayers , and particularly those at the bottom of the income pile .
13 The group most likely to opt for non-registration will be the very poorest , and particularly those in the underclass .
14 Inner city areas and particularly those in London , according to the Acheson Report , have inferior medical care services in terms of both numbers of general practitioners and surgery facilities , despite the fact that these are the areas with the greatest need — higher morbidity , accident and suicide rates .
15 We encourage all our members and particularly those in the UK not to let your renewal date go by without finding out how much you can save by availing of Autocover .
16 The World Bank report added , however , that the poorest countries , and particularly those in Africa , would be less likely than other regions to climb out of the so-called " debt trap " .
17 There was , therefore , a strong and general assumption that the highest diplomatic appointments , and particularly those in the major capitals or in which a strong ceremonial and symbolic element was still involved ( notably the embassies of the Catholic powers to the papacy ) should normally be given to great aristocrats .
18 Many financial institutions , and particularly some of the high-street banks , have a poor record of customer service , for individuals and businesses .
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