Example sentences of "and thus [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 As the saying goes ‘ we clicked ’ and thus began a friendship and correspondence between Ella Shields and me over a period of years until her death in 1952 .
2 Charles Greville , into the hands of Paul Sandby ( 1725–1809 ) who , in 1775 , published Twelve Views in Aquatinta and thus began a vogue that reached its artistic peak with such artists as Thomas Malton ( 1748–1804 ) and William Daniell ( 1769–1837 ) , mentioned above .
3 Before World War II , Brazil introduced high rates of effective protection for local manufacturers against imports ( up to nearly 70 per cent during the 1960s ) and thus created a strong and enduring anti-export bias ( Balassa , 1985 : p. 27 ) .
4 Visitors may adopt an animal and thus make a contribution towards the cost of that animal 's upkeep .
5 In practice , often enough he will be " invited " to accept such responsibility so that his predecessor can be exonerated therefrom and thus make a " clean break " with the firm .
6 The highest earning dealers only take back OTC stock if their client needs the funds to pay for another stock ; or if it is a stock that the directors want back , so allowing the dealers to retrieve in their names , and thus to evade a cut in their own commissions .
7 All of these appointments could be used to help friends and thus to sustain a political interest .
8 Cash 's workers did not have to go out to the sound of the factory bell or whistle , but simply went upstairs from home to workshop , and thus kept a little of the independence they prized .
9 As Therborn ( 1979 : 35 ) says , ‘ in the historical course of the class struggle , the state apparatuses come to crystallize determinate social relations and thus assume a material existence , efficacy and inertia which are to a certain extent independent of current state policies and class relations ’ .
10 Although using hydrogel lenses to administer medication increases the bioavailability of the drug and thus allows a lower dose to be given , the treatment is expensive and problems may arise if long periods of extended wear are necessary .
11 Through watching his father in these activities , the boy gradually learns how to handle his digging-stick , and thus becomes a practical agriculturist .
12 Chaucer 's Reeve , for Olson , is revealed as a judge who will not temper strict retributive justice with mercy , and thus becomes a character who is liable to strict justice himself .
13 It could , if it wished , provide assistance at a ‘ penal ’ rate , forcing institutions to charge higher interest rates to their customers and thus communicating a rise in interest rates throughout the market .
14 A partner may be solicited to enable the enlister to achieve dominance in an altercation which does not necessarily involve any disputed object ; such partners were not involved in the incident until they were solicited and thus had a ‘ choice ’ as to whether to collaborate or not .
15 Students in the USA had to go out on placement to firms for training , and thus had a good grounding in practical embalming .
16 There is considerable dissension in the literature as to what precisely constitutes desertification ; Kovda ( 1980 ) , for example , uses the term to describe land aridisation which involves all the processes that culminate in a reduction of the effective moisture content of soils and thus cause a decrease in biological productivity .
17 The present policy of the UK government towards the exchange rate , to which we alluded in Section 9.5.1 , is to prevent depreciation , and one of the reasons for this policy is an anxiety that a depreciating pound would raise costs of imports and thus cause a further deterioration in the inflationary situation .
18 In the context of claims for personal injuries , it is clear that ignorance of the law dissuades potential claimants from seeking advice , and most people only seek legal advice after first obtaining advice from other services , which may be ill-informed and thus cause a person with a claim not to pursue it .
19 In order to break these lengthy causal chains and thus put a cap on liability by devising a test of personal responsibility , interests theories invoke such criteria as a voluntary act , consent , acquiescence , a duty of care and foreseen or foreseeable consequences .
20 The survival of international banking and the euro-credit market depends on adequate money market funds in each currency , the alternative for a bank being to purchase foreign exchange with domestic currency and thus incur a potential foreign exchange risk or lend its own domestic currency to overseas borrowers , e.g. Albion Bank lends sterling to overseas customers .
21 Management may be able to establish Newco , obtain commitments to subscribe share capital from the employees and collect in their money , which could support a bridging loan to enable Newco to acquire Target and thus become a holding company .
22 To a certain extent this bias is rectified in the snowball samples as those interviewed were in various stages of involvement in heroin use and thus show a greater degree of variation in terms of both their social and heroin career profiles .
23 There is a wasp in which bacteria force male wasps to change sex and thus hitch a ride into the next generation of wasp .
24 ‘ Therefore my purpose in this book , ’ he writes , ‘ is not to state conclusions but , like a radio interviewer , to ask why and what and how , and thus to re-open a file that has perhaps been prematurely closed . ’
25 The spread of political responsibility throughout the population to local councillors , school governors and so on informs more people about the nature of the financial choices that have to be made , and thus produces a more informed electorate .
26 argued , then the effect of a mask which eliminated the short term trace should force the subject to utilise the more " highly processed " stable representation and thus reveal a right hemisphere advantage even with inter.stimulus intervals of less than 100 msec .
27 Experience of this nature may reduce the reliance of less developed countries on goods imported from abroad ; local manufacturers may be able to satisfy local market needs by intelligent marketing , and thus gain a larger share of the local market than before , with consequent results for local levels of production and the economy generally .
28 Young men with such ambitions should , it was universally agreed , travel widely and thus gain a personal acquaintance with at least some of the major European states , their problems and resources .
29 Nevertheless , the town council is divided on whether to make the cathedral less accessible to desperate men by placing a fence around it and thus lose a centuries-old tradition .
30 This would enable them to produce more , without a commensurate increase in effort , and thus earn a higher wage or salary .
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