Example sentences of "and can sometimes be " in BNC.

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1 Geldings can often be very unpredictable in their behaviour towards other horses , and can sometimes be a problem paddocked with mares .
2 However clearly the market conditions are known and however closely the test conditions reproduce them , the conditions to which the product may be subjected during shipment are always unknown and can sometimes be very severe even when the market conditions are not particularly severe .
3 Restricted diets are socially disruptive and can sometimes be nutritionally inadequate , especially if the child is sensitive to a variety of foods .
4 However , it seems that deductive markers are optional and can sometimes be omitted from deductive explanations , as in :
5 It is normally used on a range of Chinese rugs which employ the more traditional designs , and can sometimes be so authentic in appearance that experts have been fooled .
6 Convector heaters are also very useful , and can sometimes be more convenient than a radiator .
7 Prints of the Gorge can be obtained for as little as £50–£70 and can sometimes be found in boot-sales and small auctions cheaper than that .
8 An indemnifier , however , can be liable when the customer has a valid defence and can sometimes be liable to a greater extent than the customer ( see Goulston Discount Co .
9 They are volatile , vulgar and can sometimes be violent .
10 Where they survive , bishop 's transcripts are a valuable alternative source for the historian ; they may cover gaps in the original registers and can sometimes be more readily consulted .
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