Example sentences of "in speech [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There was condemnation in speeches on the same day in the USSR Supreme Soviet , followed by the approval by 292 votes to 29 , with 27 abstentions , of a resolution declaring that Yeltsin 's statement violated the Constitution , and calling on the Russian Federation Supreme Soviet to declare its position .
2 Her escort of miners went pink with pleasure at calling her ‘ My lady ’ in speeches at the pit canteen .
3 While Yeltsin attempted to mobilise political support from the regions against the Supreme Soviet [ see above ] , a display of separatist militancy in speeches at the fourth Congress of the Confederation of Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus , in Grozny ( capital of Chechnia ) on Oct. 3-4 , raised the level of tension in relations with Moscow .
4 Oddly enough , it was not a star of either film who was recalled in speeches at the launch , but Wil Napoleon , who after appearances as an extra in two 1958 films Inn of the Sixth Happiness and The Vikings , always registered as unemployed under the occupation of ‘ film star ’ .
5 In speeches to the Parliamentary Assembly and the Court and Commission of Human Rights on Oct. 8 , 1988 , Pope John Paul II called on the countries of Europe to " remember their common Christian heritage " and to apply it to all aspects of life , particularly to policies governing family life , genetic engineering , education and employment .
6 Although the tone was generally optimistic , with much talk of prospects for greater regional co-operation , there were allusions in speeches to the enduring sources of conflict between the six states .
7 He referred to the economic problems faced by architects and wider matters affecting the professions in speeches in the House of Lords .
8 It recognises the great value of oralism but it does not despise the natural language abilities of the deaf ; it utilises the efficiency of fingerspelling and recognises the limitations of lipreading and the inevitable imperfections in speech for the deaf although it does not reject them .
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