Example sentences of "in society [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In view of the dicey and rapidly deteriorating state of our physical surroundings , largely attributable to our ham-fisted handling of the powers bestowed on us by scientific and technological ‘ progress ’ , it might have been thought that there was a place in society for young persons who had taken the time and the trouble needed to give themselves some understanding of the problems we have set ourselves , so that they could help to reduce the damage done , and the worse damage yet to come .
2 The ‘ intercom ’ of the Quartet 's title refers not only to technological developments in information-processing systems , but also to how these developments have affected intercourse between individuals in everyday situations , and how this has in turn made possible a new role in society for narrative fiction .
3 The second major respect in which the assertion of the social rights of citizens has become more important is that it expresses the claims of very diverse groups in society to equal treatment , and at the same time broadens considerably the range of what are to be regarded as social rights .
4 Thus the definition of need in old age , which was adopted by Beveridge and was subsequently followed by all post-war Governments , was a minimalist one concerned with subsistence rather than the full participation of pensioners in society as equal citizens with other age groups .
5 Hirsch is trailing his coat , but he is concerned with what takes place in society at large , not in college courses .
6 The power that small hill farmers and poorer urban dwellers have in the state apparatus and in society at large is negligible .
7 The loss of socializing the faith in the home leads to its loss in society at large .
8 This is turn generates unrest and disturbance in society at large .
9 They have no interest in the wider Jewish community or in society at large . ’
10 Both in psychology and in society at large , masculinity and femininity have long been conceptualised as bipolar ends of a single continuum .
11 The growth of self-help groups in society at large may also be cited as evidence that a sizeable minority find medical services inadequate for some purposes .
12 Over the next 13 years the Polish People 's Army was buffeted by instability in the Party , internal divisions amongst its own commanders and unrest in society at large .
13 Here the wider concern is the increased violence in society at large .
14 The undoubted job satisfaction of medical practice has insulated the NHS to a considerable degree from the expectation in society at large of increased leisure time , but this is changing .
15 Thus one finds discrimination against women not only in society at large , but in the academic domain .
16 These differences are related to the wider patterns of drug use in society at large in which females are proportionately less likely to engage in recreational drug use then males , as this and a number of earlier studies show ( for example , Belle and Goldman 1980 ) .
17 Thus in society at large the position and role of each individual was strictly prescribed by his or her position within the group or groups to which he or she belonged , and the position of that group in relation to other groups and society as a whole .
18 The ideology of family life embedded in the wider notion of ‘ respectability ’ was to become therefore an important element in the establishment of bourgeois leadership in society at large .
19 Sociologists are not agreed on the relationship between inequality in society at large and inequality within the education system .
20 The confidence and effectiveness of individuals in acting out the roles of magistrate , priest or sovereign are enhanced by the esteem in which the precious substances embodied in the symbols of their offices are held in society at large ( Plate K ) .
21 Health standards have risen in society at large .
22 What are the features of denial in society at large ?
23 It also seeks to throw light on the role assumed by planters and the planting lobby in society at large .
24 These and other aspects of ‘ work structure and events ’ are related to a structure of interests , power and values in society at large .
25 Because undergraduates could engage in off-campus activities without being supervised by the university authorities , they began to play a more significant part in society at large .
26 Without denying the value of this approach , poll book analysis is really the wrong place to start if we are interested in determining the extent to which party tensions existed in society at large .
27 It is clear , however , that political historians can not afford to confine their attention to the goings-on at Westminster or St James 's , and that the history of party under the later Stuarts is as much about the divisions that emerged in society at large as it is about what happened in Parliament or at the royal Court .
28 Some believe that Jacobitism was a fairly significant force both within the Tory party and in society at large ( especially north of the border ) , so that at the time of the Hanoverian succession there was a realistic chance that a Jacobite coup might succeed .
29 Jacobitism became attractive to a variety of different groups in the 1690s , including commonwealth Whigs , although at this time it still had little support in society at large .
30 For historians the politics of information involve creating and sustaining attitudes and values in society at large which will support and demand the retention of the information sources which will be the basis of writing history in the future .
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