Example sentences of "in full in the " in BNC.

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1 In a patron 's letter delivered by video to the Trust 's annual general meeting and repeated in full in the recent newsletter , Prince Charles said ‘ The recent purchase of the Torrin estate is the best possible demonstration of what the Trust is all about .
2 This official history is lavishly produced , profusely illustrated with maps and well-chosen photographs , and quotes extensively from a selection of the British documents — indeed , seems to reproduce some of them in full in the text — as well as vividly recounting the actual fighting .
3 Until 1960 nothing was known of it except a handful of historical references and a poem of 76 hexameter-lines in praise of the church 's founder , Anicia Juliana.The poem , which had been carved in letters 11 centimetres high on the walls of the church itself , was copied in a manuscript of the 10th century and is preserved in full in the Palatine Anthology , a medieval collection of ancient epigrams .
4 The exposure draft will be printed in full in the next issue of ACCOUNTANCY .
5 Both documents will be printed in full in the next issue of ACCOUNTANCY .
6 The great pronouncement of Jesus found in full in the cure of the man with the withered arm and repeated in abbreviated form in the healing of the man with dropsy :
7 They teach the vocabulary of the English used in computer science , which is also listed in full in the glossary .
8 ( The RCN submitted a paper to the Committee , which is reproduced in full in the Report . )
9 I need not recite the terms of that letter , which is set out in full in the judgment of Balcombe L.J .
10 If headings are combined on the face of the balance sheet , they should be set out in full in the notes .
11 If headings are combined on the face of the balance sheet , they should be set out in full in the notes .
12 If headings are combined on the face of the balance sheet , they should be set out in full in the notes .
13 Castro 's next move , designed to convince the Soviet leaders of his personal reliability , was his famous declaration of 1 December 1961 that ‘ I am a Marxist-Leninist , and I shall be a Marxist-Leninist until the last day of my life ’ ( a statement which was reported in full in the Soviet press ) .
14 Geographical divisions are sometimes given in full in the main schedule , and sometimes elsewhere as tables in classes .
15 MAS policy is to recover costs in full in the case of an unreasonable withdrawal ; in the event of failure to sell a small discount below our time costs may be appropriate , particularly if MAS is likely to be reappointed at a later date to have another attempt at the sale .
16 The debts shown in the Accounts relating to the Business ( less the amount of any provision or reserve calculated on the same basis as that applied in the corresponding accounts for the preceding three financial years ) were good and collectable in full in the ordinary course of business and have or will realise the net amount thereof .
17 No debt of the Business which may be owing at Completion is overdue by more than eight weeks and the amount of such debts ( less the amount of any provision or reserve calculated on the same basis as that applied in the Accounts and disclosed in the Disclosure Letter ) will be recoverable in full in the ordinary course of business and in any event not later than eight weeks after Completion and none of the said debts is subject to any counter-claim or set-off except to the extent of any such provision or reserve .
18 For Arabic names , and other names with prefixes , it was found that there were inconsistencies in indexing : Al-Haddad appeared correctly in one instance , and on another occasion as Haddad ; El-Batroukh appeared in full in the first reference , then as Batroukh , and also as Batrouk .
19 For Arabic names , and other names with prefixes , it was found that there were inconsistencies in indexing : Al-Haddad appeared as Al-Haddad , and on another occasion as Haddad ; El-Batroukh appeared in full in the first reference , then as Batroukh , and also as Batrouk .
20 This will record any restrictive covenants that may be set out in full in the body of the certificate or may more commonly be referred to in a transfer deed , which may be sewn into the back of the certificate .
21 ( 13 ) If notice of the court-ordered meeting has to be given by advertisement then the explanatory statement must be set out in full in the advertisement or , as is more likely , notice must be given of where members can obtain a copy free of charge ( CA 1985 , s426(3) and ( 5 ) ) .
22 The full text of the incident , including a short editorial , is reproduced in full in the appendix to this article .
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