Example sentences of "in its [adj] days " in BNC.

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1 That 's what psychoanalysis was like in its first days .
2 Although some pieces of legislation were passed in its final days , including numerous appropriations bills , several measures were killed by Republican filibustering .
3 Piermarini 's new theatre was inaugurated on 3 August 1778 with the work L'Europe Riconsciuta by Antonio Salieri In its earliest days — when the theatre was used for balls and as a gaming house of , at one time , ill repute — the theatre was decorated in Baroque style , but in 1807 it was redecorated in Neo-Classical style only to be redecorated yet again in 1830 by
4 The individual sounds of other species may not be so readily recognized purely from instinct , though it seems highly likely that the unborn infant , while still in the mother 's womb , especially in its latter days , would be able to hear such external sounds and be aware of its mother 's response .
5 For , in its great days , particularly in the age of the Antonines in the second century , the Roman empire had been primarily a civilization of towns .
6 She is not what might have been feared , a colourless nominee of Walworth Road , but a personal victim of Militant in its great days when Labour politicians used to mutter feebly about this being a Broad Church .
7 The magazine 's line on such matters would also appear to be remote from , and distinctly harder than , that taken in its dying days by the Reagan Administration .
8 SAVING the punchline till last , just about the best joke of a pretty unfunny decade comes in its dying days .
9 SAVING the punchline till last , just about the best joke of a pretty unfunny decade comes in its dying days .
10 IN ITS dying days , the British government has given the go-ahead for a controversial plan to build another oil refinery on Canvey Island in the Thames estuary .
11 Top Of The Pops , reported to be in its dying days , trailed in as the seventh best TV programme .
12 But Hannah can vividly recall Baldersdale in its finest days , as a place where the full theatre of life was played out .
13 Long-time Vicar of the Round Church in Cambridge , he was a strong supporter of Frontier Youth Trust in its early days .
14 It has been estimated that , in its early days , only about one third of Royal Society Fellows were scientists .
15 In its early days , the Reagan administration made a laughing stock of itself by blaming trees for pollution .
16 A further ‘ flaw ’ in the Bond conditions , but written in in good faith for the security of the Club in its early days , was the option of the Bondholders to receive either 3% interest , or free playing membership if holding a block of 4 x £25 bonds .
17 MI6 never appreciated the amount of opposition that existed within Germany to Hitler and the Nazi party in its early days and as a result failed to exploit the very considerable amount of information that was offered to it by well-placed anti-Nazi groups .
18 Politically , he was an enthusiastic member of the Nazi party in its early days .
19 County cricket in its early days appealed to both middle and working classes , many of whom enjoyed what we would now call ‘ flexi-time ’ .
20 In its early days in Berners Street the Institute was not recognized by Industry and Commerce , as Sir Kenneth Cork recalled in his Foreword to the Golden Jubilee issue of the Journal of the Institute of Credit Management ( which it had become in 1989 ) , of which he was President .
21 In its early days the role of the ARC and all its resources were directed to processing applications and registering auditors .
22 Talking to regular BES investors it is soon apparent that most have suffered from a trading company failing in its early days .
23 He accepted that the JMU had had some teething problems , but pointed out that the audit monitoring process was still in its early days ; it was improving and would continue to improve with experience .
24 In its early days , the ERM allowed weak currencies to devalue from time to time .
25 Intel stresses that there are no problems with the P5 and that it is taking the opportunity of strong demand for the 80486 family to spend longer testing the highly complex new chip in the hope of avoiding the bugs that plagued the 80486 in its early days .
26 The visitors , who included several who had been employed at RHS in its early days , were welcomed to the service by the school chaplain , the Rev Kevan McCormack , who referred to the support given to the school by many local people over the years .
27 The floating exchange rate regime has thus become less managed from about 1980 than was the practice in its early days , with the US authorities in particular more reluctant to engage in foreign currency transactions .
28 The Church certainly had doubts about the crossbow , with its deadly bolt or quarrel , a reaction which was about to be extended among certain circles to the use of cannon in its early days .
29 In its early days , a contributor like Allen Mawer could use the occasion of a review of Jespersen ( who was concerned with " conservative " definitions and redefinitions of grammar ) to refer to wider social issues .
30 Francis Bacon , who drank free at the Colony Room in its early days in exchange for introducing rich punters , has remarked on Muriel 's ‘ tremendous ability to create an atmosphere of ease ’ .
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