Example sentences of "in a language he " in BNC.

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1 He smelt the scents eagerly gazed , fascinated , at the henna-stained feet and palms of the women and children , listened to the cries of the muezzin and the harsh guttural shouts in a language he could not understand — and he saw , he thought , why Jean-Paul was so drawn to Algeria .
2 I think I must have realized that Jean-Claude had neither the nerve nor the genuine confidence to take up an appointment in a language he did not speak .
3 I knew he would never take on students in a language he did not speak .
4 For a moment , Ellwood looked vacant — a man hearing a word in a language he does n't know .
5 It was in fact slightly larger than an 8,000-dollar Ankhian crown and the design on it was unfamiliar , but it spoke inside Hugh 's mind in a language he understood perfectly .
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