Example sentences of "in [art] [noun sg] rate " in BNC.

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1 Among the results of the changes were an increase in the conviction rate and a decrease in the rate of litigation .
2 The reported cases of indecent or sexual assault increased by 21 per cent over the 1977–87 decade , while the number of men convicted rose by only 2 per cent , a decline in the conviction rate from 31 per cent to 26 per cent .
3 In the same decade reports of incest increased by 73 per cent , while the number of those convicted rose by 55 per cent , a decline in the conviction rate from 53 per cent to 48 per cent .
4 Patrick Dunne , who heads the management buy-in unit , says research indicates a new wave of buy-in activity and the likelihood of an increase in the success rate .
5 A study of young researchers has shown that there is no significant difference in the success rate of younger ( under 35 ) and older ( 36–45 ) academics in obtaining external funding for their research in scientific and technological subjects .
6 But not much more than a vague impression of the early impact of the service is provided by these figures , for without an extensive number of regional studies , it is difficult to estimate either the local variations in the success rate or the extent to which different areas established SCC systems alongside the employment bureaux .
7 Clear and up-to-date development plan policies should also lead to a reduction in the number of speculative applications and in the success rate of appeals against local authorities .
8 In fact the arms-race idea , in its purest form , suggests that there should be absolutely zero progress in the success rate on both sides of the arms race , while there is very definite progress in the equipment for success on both sides .
9 At first glance the association between fishing and computing may be hard to see , but the sport is as much a science as an art , even if the number of factors involved in the success rate is close to infinite .
10 While it is impossible to measure precisely the influence of these factors , they all probably contributed to the falling output-capital ratio and the consequent decline in the profit rate .
11 Lower capacity utilization was also important for explaining the fall in the profit rate in the United States , though this is only a partial explanation .
12 The combined result was a sharp decline in the profit rate .
13 It is unusual for an orbital sander to do both these tasks , and the difference with the 4011 is in the orbit rate .
14 The City and the Confederation of British Industry had been looking for some indication of earlier participation in the exchange rate mechanism of the EMS .
15 Contrary to declarations that there was no government policy for sterling and that it would be left to the markets to decide , by late 1981 the government intervened to reverse a fall in the exchange rate , and raised base rate to 16 per cent .
16 Given the current differing economic performance of Britain and West Germany , putting sterling in the exchange rate mechanism could well subject it to new strains .
17 The borrowings are converted into Sterling when drawn down thereby locking in the exchange rate and the currency borrowings are repaid from the currency receivables .
18 When an exporter grants credit terms to the buyer abroad and the buyer ( or his bank if a Letter of Credit is involved ) accepts a Bill of Exchange , the exporter may be able to arrange to have the accepted Bill discounted , once again locking in the exchange rate from the discounting date .
19 You will need to consider whether the suggested currency is strong enough in the context of anticipated fluctuations in the exchange rate .
20 But the Tories will continue to crucify manufacturing industry , in pursuit of an absurdly high parity in the Exchange Rate Mechanism .
21 Turbulence in the Exchange Rate Mechanism led to the suspension of sterling , a 7% devaluation in the Italian lira — also still suspended — a 5% devaluation of the Spanish peseta , and pressure on the French franc , Spanish peseta , Irish punt and Portuguese escudo .
22 Our inflation view may be more bearish than most , but was supported by the Chancellor at Mansion House , when he said : ‘ Some people insist that movements in the exchange rate are just a change in relative prices which need not affect the rate of inflation .
23 How , if at all , are you going to protect yourself against changes in the exchange rate between your currency and your customer 's currency ?
24 He could have used exports to get the economy going with a substantial reduction in the exchange rate and greater devaluation .
25 THE news cheered share dealers already celebrating the Government 's decision to defend the pound in the Exchange Rate Mechanism by spending £7.25 billion on Euro-currency ECUs .
26 It tumbled against the German mark — ending perilously close to its critical floor in the Exchange Rate Mechanism .
27 It will use huge sums of foreign reserves to prevent sterling falling below its floor with the German mark in the exchange rate mechanism .
28 The mark stands firm in the Exchange Rate Mechanism .
29 But actual movements in the exchange rate will also depend upon capital transactions .
30 This was an attempt to retain some of the advantages of the gold standard , since stable rates of exchange were thought to be beneficial to the conduct of trade and other international transactions , and yet adjustments in the exchange rate were deemed desirable for a country facing a permanent payments imbalance .
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