Example sentences of "a single [noun sg] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The simplest atom , hydrogen , consists of a single electron encircling the nucleus which has a single positive charge ; the positively charged particle that comprises the hydrogen nucleus is called the ‘ proton ’ .
2 The ‘ signal ’ to look for , then , to observe a W , is a single electron carrying lots of energy .
3 Previously , only trade in new horn was banned but , with a single horn fetching as much as £30,000 , Chinese dealers have been buying up big game trophies for export to the Far East .
4 It wore a goat 's mask , with a single horn growing from the forehead .
5 A single parent living with her four children on this Sunderland estate had kept a large bedroom window covered with plastic sheeting for nearly a year ; the council had n't fixed it and she did n't have the wherewithal to do it herself .
6 A single parent living with her parents gets supplementary benefit of £5.25 child benefit .
7 Advice and assistance in making a will can only be given to a client who is over 70 , or disabled or suffering from a mental disorder ( or a parent or guardian wishing to provide for such a person ) , or a single parent wishing to appoint a testamentary guardian .
8 Small areas are best paved in a single colour using a simple design to avoid being over fussy .
9 It can perform flow injection analysis ( FIA ) and segmented continuous flow analysis ( SFA ) independently or can combine the techniques on a single test allowing automatic sample pretreatment such as dilution , concentration and/or filtration on-line , The Super Cartridge is a two part heater consisting of a spool of polymeric tubing which droops over a cone-shaped heater .
10 A single GP working alone , for example , covers Soho , and this is why many clients choose to use the accident and emergency department of University College Hospital and Barts as their primary point of contact with the health-care professions .
11 Paul from Tamworth says er I 'm a single man looking after my children and I do n't get a penny from my ex-wife .
12 ‘ Now Bathsheba , ’ he said , laughing , ‘ you know very well that I had to be very careful , as a single man working for you , a good-looking young woman .
13 Bricks are especially useful , as they can be used laid flat , with two courses ( including mortar joints ) giving a height of 150mm ( 6″ ) ; on edge , with a single course giving a height of 112mm ( 4½″ ) ; or in various combinations of these .
14 In the case of , say , a single person living in a suburb , however , a wide variety of types of social life is possible , including a strong concentration upon work-based friendship .
15 Make sure you have something to read ; a single person doing nothing but drink and smoke looks suspicious . ’ )
16 Lord Tyrrell , the former diplomat , who became BBFC President in 1935 , notoriously declared that ‘ we may take pride in observing that there is not a single film showing in London today which deals with any of the burning questions of the day . ’
17 In the main part of these Lectures , we work with the ‘ orthodox ’ Solow ( 1956 ) model , in which malleable capital is used to produce a single output according to an aggregate production function , with a higher ratio of capital to labour being associated with a lower competitive rate of profit .
18 This compares with up to 8 minutes CPU time for processing a single sentence using ANLT ( see Table 3.3 ) .
19 This sense of purpose and of confinement to " legitimate " objectives is briefy conveyed in a single sentence describing events at Malmesbury : " They seized all the corn ; sold it at 5s [ 25p ] a bushel , and gave the money to the right owners . "
20 Nine of these stemmed from incidents outside the holding centres , including five from a single incident involving plastic handcuffs .
21 The unity of a civil society , what makes us all one people , is the fact that we 're subject to a single government according to Hobbes .
22 I recently used pattern 1235 Tech 183 to knit a single motif using a wool and acrylic main yarn and a shiny contrast yarn .
23 ‘ Well , a single girl staying in places with a man like that . ’
24 Somebody wants a single bed moving , somebody might want a chest of drawers moving , somebody wants some packages so there were there 's quite a lot of of work of that nature wanted .
25 But if you wanted a single bed moving , then the cheapest way would be just to have one man , he comes we charge you for the time we take , with a minimum of an hour 's charge .
26 Provided a mains transformer has a single primary winding there should be no difficulty in wiring up this section of the supply .
27 All this happens without a single bird appearing to twitch a muscle .
28 ( 4.7 ) unc The sequential composition of a pair of assignments to different lists of variables may be reduced to a single assignment using this law with 3.2 and 3.3 .
29 Soaring boldly in lonely isolation , Ben Hope conforms to the general conception of a mountain , steep slopes on all sides tapering to a single peak dominating a wide landscape .
30 Where the item is presented as two components there should be , in addition , a single sub-total showing the profit or loss on disposal ’ .
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