Example sentences of "a reason for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It referred to her earlier pregnancy termination as a reason for her wanting to go away — yet Mark would have known nothing about it , said the prosecution .
2 But since then there had no longer been a reason for them to meet .
3 She probably did tell him to go away and stop following her around , but that would n't be a reason for him screaming he 'd kill her . ’
4 THE property market will continue to be depressed through 1993 , although this is not a reason for you to become depressed .
5 acted in a certain way and then found a reason for it .
6 Eliot asserts that it is perfectly possible to claim ‘ that primitive man acted in a certain way and then found a reason for it ’ .
7 Perhaps it will make dealing with such a situation a little easier if we realise that there really is a reason for it and that the way in which we handle it may well go a long way towards aiding our spiritual development .
8 These men , either forgetting or not realising that work is but a component of life and not a reason for it , are likely to have spent too much time working , to the exclusion of family and leisure activities .
9 ‘ There must have been a reason for it , like not wanting anyone to know what was being carried aboard Titron . ’
10 She told me that she was relieved to know that there was a reason for it , even if the root cause had occurred so long ago .
11 No recommendations of stocks without a reason for it .
12 There has to be a reason for it and I believe the answer lies in the ‘ widened ’ , unorthodox ‘ Vesica Piscis ’ , for by drawing a line through the north and south intersections ( see Fig 1 ) and comparing the distance from the westernmost point of the West Overton circle ( conveniently marked by Bishops Cannings church ) to the point where the line crosses the axis of the centres .
13 Erm not unless there was a reason for it .
14 Er they night go back to it then if they really wanted to , or usually there was a reason for it .
15 Er and just be a home-maker unless as I said if there was a reason for it , if they needed the money .
16 My manner can be a little brusque , I grant you , but there is a reason for it — a sound professional reason .
17 Oh , there was a reason for it .
18 Erm I 've obviously though about it quite a lot and I ca n't figure out a reason for it .
19 If you 're going to come and stand and present something to somebody there 's got to be a reason for it ?
20 ‘ There would be a reason for it .
21 No , there was a reason for it .
22 No , there was a reason for it .
23 There 's a reason for it .
24 If you have to say ‘ No comment ’ then do give a reason for it .
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