Example sentences of "a thing [pers pn] had " in BNC.

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1 She had called him by his name — a thing she had so far refused to do .
2 He was sending her to face a hostile male and when everything was clearly laid down she was to spy on him — a thing she had refused so loudly .
3 Within minutes of being given the treatment his walking was much improved , and the following day he was walking around without any sticks and was also able to climb up and down stairs unaided — a thing he had been unable to do for at least two years .
4 Roman ran a hand through his hair , a thing he had done more than once this morning if its state was anything to go by .
5 Lucifer 's face was so devil-like as he said it that he frightened even Izzie , a thing he had never done on stage .
6 But her fear only provoked him further and he turned + slapped first Jo , and then her solidly across the face — a thing he had never done before .
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