Example sentences of "and magistrate [unc] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Another difficulty with the tariff is the fact that there are probably at least as many different tariffs in practice as there are levels of court ( Court of Appeal , Crown Court and magistrates ' court ) .
2 Under the Guardianship of Minors Act 1971 , as amended by the Guardianship Act 1973 and the Domestic Proceedings and Magistrates ' Courts Act 1978 , both father and mother are equally entitled to the care and custody of the infant ; and in case of a dispute between them the court must , in coming to a decision , regard only the welfare of the infant .
3 The recent reform of the grounds for divorce has been mirrored as regards proceedings in magistrates ' courts by the Domestic Proceedings and Magistrates ' Courts Act 1978 , a statute enacted as the result of recommendations made by the Law Commission .
4 A single block borrowing approval now applies for expenditure on all local authority services , except the police , probation and magistrates ' courts services .
5 Since most of the beginner 's forensic work will be in county courts and magistrates ' courts , he should make a special point of familiarising himself with the procedure and powers of these courts .
6 It is solicitors , not barristers , who conduct much the greater number of cases in the lesser courts — county courts and magistrates ' courts .
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