Example sentences of "and his [noun sg] gave " in BNC.

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1 His fingers touched hers and his heart gave a jolt , but she seemed perfectly in command of herself and had apparently felt nothing , so he told himself not to be a dope , and carried his coffee back to the chesterfield .
2 Paul Mangan explains why he and his wife gave up on NHS efforts at parentcraft classes
3 Mr Garrard has kept birds of prey all his life , and he and his wife gave up their jobs to start the Feather Perfect Display Team , and often put on displays for children .
4 And his mother gave me an apologetic smile and said something I did n't catch as she hurried after husband and son .
5 There were messages awaiting Rory Collins when he got home , and his mother gave them to him with little interest .
6 These had no actuality sound with them — the technology was n't up to it then — and Peter and his guest gave a live , ad-lib commentary as the film was shown .
7 Yes , Milton manager , Keith Stock celebrated yet another birthday yesterday , and his team gave him something to celebrate with three points at Basement Club , Bishops Cleve this afternoon to see United extend their unbeaten record which stretches back to last October .
8 Colley 's eyes lighted on his former apprentice and his face gave that convulsive shudder , as of a man looking on something unendurably loathsome , before buckling into a grin .
9 He was holding the passenger door open for her , and his face gave nothing away .
10 We called him Boy because my elder sister and I were born first and his arrival gave great joy .
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