Example sentences of "and i often [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Arnie and I often end up teaching in different places .
2 I have divided the chapters in a way reminiscent of the old histories of the Kings of England , and I often refer to the ‘ reign ’ of a particular Principal .
3 It is the main breeding place in the area and I often take visitors there in mid-June , when the pups are being born .
4 It is very expensive , and I often take sandwiches to the office .
5 The choice of hi-hats and cymbals is excellent , and I often use it for programming percussion . ’
6 Mm , mm and I often tell people that er , those who do n't come from London do n't realise the difference between north and south
7 But I was gon na tell you about there was one day I was at for money and I 'm coming up the road , and here this chap was standing in the road and er kind of thumbing a lift , so I says to him , I stopped and I often lift people in the road but er after he got into the , I had an old Bradford van at the time , and he said er , I said to him , I says , are you on a hiking holiday ?
8 There are free entry concerts on Sunday evenings at 6pm at XX and I often walk up there ( plus dog ! ) and enjoy the calm , the battery charge as it were , amidst the chores and bores of life ‘ in the high street ’ .
9 We now have friends all over the country and I often think about the elderly disabled chap who would n't accept help to lift his canoe at portages or the young white faced girl who would n't give up though exhausted .
10 Speaking as a single parent who was left with children of twelve and eight , it is very hard and I often think it would be a good thing if social workers were better able to explain to young girls who are left with babies , just what it 's going to be like .
11 And I often think to myself , when I 'm paying for something , think to myself , oh I would never have paid that years ago .
12 They 're people who are pathetic , who are sad , who have had an awful lot of knocks in life and I often think that one of the things that everybody in society could do is actually talk to them a bit more .
13 And I often say that young ladies who are looking over their shoulder like this , you 've got ta be careful of the neck because when they turn round and look over their shoulder you get creases in the neck , and there is a slight crease in the neck there but most of it has been disguised by covering it with her hair , so look out for that when you have a young lady , or anybody , looking over their shoulder , particularly with young ladies , when they look over their shoulder like that it does cause creases in the side of the neck which can be unsightly .
14 ‘ I 've tried many different mics and I often find that some of the more expensive condenser mics do n't sound as good as something like a good , straightforward Shure 57 or something like that — one of the cheaper dynamic mics .
15 I admit that I have been known to curse on occasion and I often talk to my machine telling it ‘ You will not beat me so you 'd better start behaving ! ’
16 Of course , I have TV and newspapers , but there is definitely a displacement from reality , and I often have to ring my friends , just to find out what people are thinking .
17 She 'll say I 'm a travelling salesman and I often spend a night away .
18 Certainly , just a little low ‘ g ’ on the approach would have made things very difficult for him and I often wonder exactly what happened .
19 It seemed to he enjoying the water that somehow or other had seeped through , and I often wonder what would have happened to me if that black scorpion had indeed swung its deadly tail backwards and on to me .
20 Two white lads and a coloured one and er it was a white girl and I often wonder if that 's a good idea er whether they should all be the same colour .
21 And I often see her walking past with the children on the way to pick up others from the school .
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