Example sentences of "and i understand that " in BNC.

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1 In fact it was the fore-runner of many similar shows in the years that followed , and I understand that ‘ From Leicester Square to Broadway ’ enjoyed the longest continuous run of any CBC national network production .
2 He kisses me and I understand that this age is passing away , this universe .
3 Now they are really dangerous and I understand that even today they are responsible for a number of deaths and serious accidents each year among farm workers .
4 The entire family seemed to be steeped in music and I understand that when a new harmonium was introduced in Spittal Chapel there was keen interest in comparing that with the one they owned — such as whether one had more stops than the other .
5 It seems that other young men came to stay too — I suppose it must have been a very welcome extra source of income — and I understand that Great-Grandmother Tallentire was criticized for allowing young men to stay in the house when she had daughters .
6 We are customers of a massive industry trying to make money and I understand that for some it 's just staying in business that counts .
7 ‘ The Espoirs went to Zimbabwe this summer , and I understand that several of them had an outstanding tour .
8 Erm I 've mentioned accessibility , I would raise that again , I 'm a non-driver erm it 's easy to hop in a car and get from here to Chelmsford , if you want to do it by public transport it is a nightmare erm the meeting here on , on Monday which was very poorly attended , and I understand that 's been the pattern right across the area , and I do n't think the health authority is that interested in finding out what people have thought to be honest !
9 Unfortunately , after the first six or seven freebies things got a little hazy and I understand that I told everyone that Singh and his brothers ( no relation ) were indeed going to build a superstore on ‘ The Tip ’ , but that they were also going to spend £2,000,000 on a new stadium for Athletico to be built on top of Mitchley cemetery .
10 The old chestnut of fire safety came up again and I understand that they do talk about treatment standards but I do n't know what they say about them .
11 I have already spoken to the Deputy Chair of MCS and I understand that Dr Sue Gubay will be at the conference .
12 They 're offering a gift , you know … the fact that each one is a piece of work , so much has gone into it that it 's something very special , and I understand that it 's very nerve-wracking for them to offer it , to perform it …
13 The restaurant is on a lease and I understand that when the lease ran out there was a law which entitled me to a new one .
14 The staffing reports currently being submitted to Council incorporate a Community Charge residual team of some 70 staff and I understand that it is unlikely there will be space for this number within Chesser House for some time .
15 The discussions are close to a conclusion and I understand that my hon. Friend will shortly be writing to the industry to clear up some of the remaining points , which will isolate the relatively few issues to be settled .
16 At present , they are not in accord over whether the proposals are a departure from the development plan , and I understand that Buckinghamshire expects to refer the application to the Secretary of State .
17 On more than one occasion she has admitted to being very intoxicated and I understand that she has stated that she had consumed about 24 single measures of dry Martini and lemonade , together with some white wine .
18 There are already several institutions of which we can be proud , and I understand that Cardiff may have a centre for the performing arts in the form of a new opera house .
19 Secondly , is not now the time for the Government seriously to consider an independent inspection service for complaints because in many cases — pindown was one , Leicestershire is another and I understand that there may be further examples at Wrexham and Bangor — the local authorities are not the best bodies to investigate the complaints ?
20 Indeed , there is so much dissatisfaction with that union from within the prison service that another union , the Prison Service Union , is being set up and I understand that it has so far received 1,000 pledges from prospective members .
21 For the convenience of the House , we are discussing the motions together , and I understand that that has the agreement of the Opposition .
22 The police national computer mark 2 came on stream last autumn , and I understand that its direct access capacity is 190 million bytes , with a further 80,000 million bytes available as back-up on disk .
23 That was the view of the MGC in 1988 , and I understand that it remains the view of many of the directors , not because of the matter of intellectual judgment or scholarship , but because of fears that the Government will seek to put pressure on their finances .
24 Motion one seven eight , reference is being sought and I understand that Liverpool have agreed .
25 Thanks very much indeed , and I understand that the region , Midland Region , are prepared to remit one four eight , one four nine and motion twenty eight .
26 Number 47 , Nelson Square has been put up for sale , and I understand that a buyer is interested in the property , subject to a structural survey .
27 This I do know is not , is not at this place successful , not for people concerned with the , the facilities are not really adequate , and I understand that they also would be hoping to take advantage of this community centre .
28 Yes Chairman , of the hundred and sixty thousand plus cost , erm , part of the contribution by the major servicing committee , and I understand that they advised me the balance has been made from local contributions , and charitable sources .
29 I will inform the bank in writing if I wish to cancel this instruction , and I understand that if any direct debit which breaks the terms of this instruction , the bank will make a refund .
30 , I am told , did not come into politics , he was born into politics and I understand that his parents were strong and prominent members of the independent Labour Party and the Labour Party .
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