Example sentences of "and disappear into [art] " in BNC.

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1 Noise/horror undoes the self by confronting it with the other that dwells within it , the monstrous potential latent in us all , waiting to be catalysed by an extreme predicament ; what I 've called the new psychedelia undoes the self by letting it drift off and disappear into the otherwordly .
2 At the end of the session , June Braithwaite said she had found it useful ; she had not needed to become hysterical , and he had not been able to leave and disappear into the kitchen .
3 BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL We can now make plastics which can break down and disappear into the soil .
4 He watched a lizard scuttle furtively along the join between wall and ceiling , and disappear into a crevice .
5 ‘ That 's some sort of women , ’ thought Sid , as he watched her skip up the kitchen steps and disappear into the bright sunlight of the car park .
6 The dog might pick up and follow a scent , before you are aware of this , and disappear into the distance .
7 They watched it clear the farther hedge and disappear into the wood beyond the river .
8 I watched him arrive and disappear into the black shadows .
9 A mock battle ensued — at least , she hoped it was mock — then the pair went racing soundlessly off to push the unlatched communicating door ajar and disappear into the next room .
10 She did as instructed but left the cup of soup out and as she glanced round she saw a hand grab it and disappear into the dark .
11 It is in a constant shimmer of glinting silver movement as the countless small fishes swim round and round the outside of the ‘ ball ’ and disappear into an orifice within it .
12 Before she had time even to gasp , it flew back up and disappeared into a hole above the water .
13 Whitlock scrambled to his feet but by the time he reached the fence the gunman had already crossed the twenty-yard clearing and disappeared into a derelict warehouse .
14 A startled whinchat sprang up and over and disappeared into a hawthorn hedge .
15 The vicar left his position near the soldier , and disappeared into a back room .
16 Jenny had already gone through the crew customs , signed her general declaration and disappeared into a back room to sort out all the customs formalities on the imported aircraft .
17 ‘ Three twelve , ’ said the auctioneer 's girl , and disappeared into an inner office .
18 They stretched all the way up each wall and disappeared into the darkness at the top of the room .
19 One evening he clambered down with an armful of tin pipes and funnels , scooped a cupful of fermenting liquid out of the barrel , and disappeared into the lavatory .
20 The cat jumped to the ground and disappeared into the kitchen as Yanto swung his legs off the settee and sat up .
21 ‘ How 's your ass ? ’ he quipped , and disappeared into the small dry heat room , laughing his head off .
22 from Kingston to Lynn to Yarmouth the coast was strewn with wrecked vessels , cliffs had slipped into the sea and disappeared into the brown tide and over in the low-lying lands of Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire the salt-waters swished and groped where no man remembered ever to have seen them before .
23 The constable apparently left the chamber at that , for half a minute later a cloaked figure came quickly out of the Garden Tower 's entrance and disappeared into the darkness .
24 As the mail train thundered past and disappeared into the distance he heard the familiar sound of footsteps .
25 And the terrible moment when he heard the sound of officious voices calling to the driver to stop and Craig had taken his chance and leaped from the back of the van and disappeared into the dark streets of World 's End .
26 It reached the green at a good speed , took a right-to-left swing , and disappeared into the hole .
27 He did n't take the stairs : he ducked under them and disappeared into the shadows .
28 Lacuna almost leapt through the doorway , and disappeared into the interior .
29 They dropped Oliver 's unconscious body in a field , and disappeared into the fog and the darkness in different directions .
30 They came down the steps at the side of the tunnel and disappeared into the darkness .
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