Example sentences of "and treat it as " in BNC.

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1 If , a week ago , someone had told her it might happen to her she would have laughed and treated it as a huge joke .
2 Her advice is to try and treat it as a normal meal .
3 Why note use a battery-backed SRAM ( static random access memory ) in place of the EEPROM , plugging it directly onto the computer bus and treating it as an other RAM in the system ?
4 So far we have focused on the time-depth of vernacular variants in English , using ( h ) as an example and treating it as a binary variable ( we have assumed that in such words as hall , hit it is either pronounced or dropped ) .
5 ‘ It was in the late Seventies that we got guys like Saatchi , who looked at art calmly and coldly and treated it as an industry .
6 ‘ Individual selection ’ seems vaguely to be a middle way between two extremes , and many biologists and philosophers have been seduced into this facile path and treated it as such .
7 Apparently he was involved in an accident at work a few days ago , went to his local casualty department who could n't actually detect any break and treated it as a severe sprain . ’
8 It is also argued that it is inconsistent with human dignity that a woman should use her uterus for financial profit and treat it as an incubator for someone else 's child . ’
9 Redefine the problem in terms of a challenge , ask them to take two steps backwards and treat it as an experiment .
10 Fine if you could chop it away from feeling and treat it as a mere sensation .
11 It is possible to take a stretch of language which someone has used in communication and treat it as a sentence for a translation exercise , or an object for grammatical analysis .
12 Thus if we can categorize or anchor information , we can also do the opposite : we can particularize information and treat it as a special case , thereby negating , or criticizing , a strategy of categorization .
13 And treat it as an outdoor room , not just another part of a garden .
14 Many users panic when asked to press Ctrl or Alt and another key and treat it as some sort of test of agility !
15 Play behaviour , as we will see , is largely assimilation : the person playing decides that a piece of stick is a car or a gun and treats it as such until the play ends .
16 This account revokes the tendency of psychoanalysis to slide into an ego psychology , which equates the unconscious with the id , and treats it as an interesting but manageable phenomenon , the stuff on which the profession 's skill is demonstrated .
17 Paragraphs ( a ) , ( b ) and ( c ) of the subsection all describe unilateral , though honest , acts of the appropriator , who takes the property for himself and treats it as his own .
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