Example sentences of "and treat [pers pn] as " in BNC.

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1 If , a week ago , someone had told her it might happen to her she would have laughed and treated it as a huge joke .
2 Her advice is to try and treat it as a normal meal .
3 Well , of course , it did not take very long for people to realize that if someone wanted to sell his company and retire to the country with the proceeds , these provisions could be used to postpone payment of capital gains tax almost indefinitely so long as he was prepared to continue to hold the shares issued to him and to treat them as an investment .
4 We talked of all we would do when he was strong enough , and I put everything else out of mind and concentrated on being positive and cheerful myself , which was not always easy but I was determined to behave normally and to treat him as a convalescent and not as a sick man .
5 Knowing how the crowd was on Tony 's side and treating him as the hero only seemed to make Lee more determined .
6 By denying women their individuality and treating them as a class , the feminist movement confines them to a political ghetto , with the movement 's leaders as overseers .
7 Why note use a battery-backed SRAM ( static random access memory ) in place of the EEPROM , plugging it directly onto the computer bus and treating it as an other RAM in the system ?
8 So far we have focused on the time-depth of vernacular variants in English , using ( h ) as an example and treating it as a binary variable ( we have assumed that in such words as hall , hit it is either pronounced or dropped ) .
9 I think in a way we were all Ziggy Stardust and we were all living out this myth of Ziggy Stardust and treated him as if he was Ziggy Stardust .
10 Also , he found that whenever he moved into one group or another , the warren rabbits evidently knew who he was and treated him as the leader of the newcomers .
11 Then he took account of the finite size of the planets and treated them as spheres .
12 ‘ It was in the late Seventies that we got guys like Saatchi , who looked at art calmly and coldly and treated it as an industry .
13 ‘ Individual selection ’ seems vaguely to be a middle way between two extremes , and many biologists and philosophers have been seduced into this facile path and treated it as such .
14 Apparently he was involved in an accident at work a few days ago , went to his local casualty department who could n't actually detect any break and treated it as a severe sprain . ’
15 It is also argued that it is inconsistent with human dignity that a woman should use her uterus for financial profit and treat it as an incubator for someone else 's child . ’
16 Redefine the problem in terms of a challenge , ask them to take two steps backwards and treat it as an experiment .
17 Fine if you could chop it away from feeling and treat it as a mere sensation .
18 It is possible to take a stretch of language which someone has used in communication and treat it as a sentence for a translation exercise , or an object for grammatical analysis .
19 Thus if we can categorize or anchor information , we can also do the opposite : we can particularize information and treat it as a special case , thereby negating , or criticizing , a strategy of categorization .
20 And treat it as an outdoor room , not just another part of a garden .
21 Many users panic when asked to press Ctrl or Alt and another key and treat it as some sort of test of agility !
22 Play behaviour , as we will see , is largely assimilation : the person playing decides that a piece of stick is a car or a gun and treats it as such until the play ends .
23 This account revokes the tendency of psychoanalysis to slide into an ego psychology , which equates the unconscious with the id , and treats it as an interesting but manageable phenomenon , the stuff on which the profession 's skill is demonstrated .
24 Paragraphs ( a ) , ( b ) and ( c ) of the subsection all describe unilateral , though honest , acts of the appropriator , who takes the property for himself and treats it as his own .
25 When the facades are swept away it is the use , misuse or disuse of courtesy that indicates whether a person respects you as a human being — or sees you and treats you as a nuisance , servant Or enemy .
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