Example sentences of "and walk [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I scrambled to my feet , forcing the turban over my eyes and bending the feather till it stuck out like a pan-handle , went nervously into the comedy routine and finished by singing , ‘ If There 's a Wrong Way to Do It ’ and walking into the proscenium arch .
2 Constance ran round the side of the house , and walking into the kitchen , slammed the door loudly behind her .
3 When driving in the countryside you often see walking human haystacks — people , who have been out cutting grass for their cows , returning home and walking down the road often with only their legs showing beneath their enormous bundles .
4 One of two of the survivors recalled playing golf and walking on the Pentlands .
5 I could hear the shotgun barking as I walked through the dim , dripping woods from the house , staying off the muddy path as much as possible and walking on the flattened , exhausted-looking grass at its side to keep my shoes from clogging up .
6 I said , ‘ I am getting off here and walking to the Astoria , where I will drink one hundred grams of port wine .
7 And still without needing to turn my head , but looking straight to the front , and walking at the same even pace along the path , I was conscious of a man perched motionless on the top bar of the gate , one leg over , so still that he might have been part of the gate itself .
8 I was looking for drugs and walking over the aerosol cans .
9 Coming out of the libraries and walking through the courtyard towards the gate at the other end , you will see on your left the façade of the Church of St Mary .
10 He 's now considering tackling the Southern Upland Way , starting in Galloway in the West and walking through the Borders to Cockburnspath , just a few miles from his home in Innerwick .
11 ‘ Yes Sir , ’ David calmly answered , rising from his seat and walking across the cold classroom .
12 Satisfied that the gun was ready for immediate use , Kirov transferred it discreetly to his jacket pocket before turning and walking towards the waiting figure of Ybreska .
13 SHE was going into Newcastle and walking towards the station entrance when a woman stopped and said : ‘ Mrs Jones ?
14 When they were outside and walking towards the aircraft , Woolley said : ‘ The French make such a fuss , you see .
15 He 'd only got to be told by Charlie that he 'd be leaving the High Street by the bridge and walking along the local river . ’
16 Starting from the clubhouse on the first day and walking along the edge of the wood we came to a piece of natural grassland studded with patches of purpose tufted vetch and orchids growing among the unmown grass .
17 One of the men then gave me a perfunctory glance at a warrant before entering the house and walking up the stairs .
18 Few touring visitors wish to bypass the shops , however , using the large car parks and walking around the streets .
19 Walking and walking in the pissing rain .
20 It is not long before the pictures deal with activities as well as objects : having a bath , going shopping , a visit to the clinic , and walking in the streets and in the country .
21 He remained physically active far into old age , riding from Westmorland to Cambridge at the age of sixty , and walking in the hills in his seventies .
22 ‘ You cover Gorbachev and Reagan signing arms agreements and walking in the Rose Garden .
23 Usually worn by those smug bastards who fidget relentlessly on planes and insist on getting up and walking round the whole time , demonstratively taking photos out of windows and asking for guided tours of the cockpit .
24 The main town in the area is Tatranská Lomnica — a good centre for skiing in the winter months and walking throughout the year .
25 And so Ruth , the one who has gone out as a poor glean and walking behind the reapers , hoping they would treat her kindly .
26 Enter St George 's Square and walk towards the arch into Vikářská Street .
27 Christina watched him leave the house and walk towards the beach before she went inside and dressed slowly , thinking about his reaction to her refusal to make love .
28 In 1986 almost half the people aged over 85 , for example , were unable to go out of doors and walk down the road on their own , and almost a third were unable to manage stairs .
29 Turn right and walk down the track .
30 I go to my nephew 's for tea on Saturday afternoons and if the weather 's not too bad I get off the bus in Glenfair Road and walk down the Drive .
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