Example sentences of "of [noun pl] previously [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The history of the Community is the history of the pooling of policies previously attributed exclusively to nation states ; so the same may well happen to foreign and security policy .
2 2.1.3 " surveyors " means ( Surveyors ) of ( address ) or such other firm of Surveyors previously approved in writing by the Landlord [ such approval not to be unreasonably withheld [ or delayed ] ] as the Tenant may from time to time appoint to perform the functions of the Surveyors under this Agreement It would be foolhardy for the tenant to put itself in a position whereby the landlord must approve the identity of its surveyors .
3 In early July the Moroccan authorities had freed a number of prisoners previously deemed to have " disappeared " , who had been secretly detained for up to 15 years .
4 As then , he dealt with the motion as a three-part whole rather than as separate clauses and refused to incorporate an amendment ( carried 2:1 ) which sought to modify the proposed Committee revision in respect of the Captains , which many members considered was a continuation of the sort of privileges previously enjoyed by bondholders .
5 The resultant " static position error " depends on the external torque , but is independent of the number of steps previously executed ; the position error is non-cumulative .
6 The New Deal in fact established a far more important role for the Federal Government in a whole range of areas previously considered to be outside its scope .
7 SWAPO won control of nine of the 13 regional councils , including a number of areas previously considered to be strongholds of the opposition Democratic Turnhalle Alliance ( DTA ) .
8 The earlier transfer to local authorities of responsibilities previously exercised by the Poor Law Guardians had not led to any rapid improvement in the services ( Wilson 1948:76 — 7 ) .
9 From the point of view of teacher activity as pragmatic mediation , operational techniques are the enactment of ideas previously subjected to appraisal which provides them with a rationale .
10 This page enables you to endorse the list of packages previously marked for acceptance .
11 So , pangenesis could have been derived from the 1838 position , by pandynamic extension to the ova of powers previously denied to them , and by a panovulational extension to all other parts of powers and matters formerly reserved for the ovary .
12 Indirect effects include : ( i ) reductions in the goods and services required to care for the sick ; ( ii ) increases in output resulting from freeing of resources previously used by healthy people to avoid sickness ; ( iii ) the output resulting from any population increase due to a rise in the birth rate , as might result from better health conditions ; ( iv ) any net output resulting from changes in attitudes and in social and political organisation that might be a consequence of better health conditions .
13 A sharper awareness among historians of the purpose of actions previously dismissed as desperate or revengeful has helped explain why groups of workers not infrequently combined intimidatory action with more " legitimate " forms .
14 The study focused in three central issues : what is known about the introduction of competition into the provision of goods previously supplied publicly ; whether competition improves efficiency — and the relative contributions of competition and ownership ; and the scope for extending competition tendering in the UK public sector .
15 This is shown most clearly by those instances in which a lesion of the right hemisphere has re-instated an aphasia produced earlier by left sided brain damage ( Nielsen , 1946 ) or when amytal injection into the right carotid artery has disrupted the speech of patients previously rendered aphasic by left hemisphere damage ( Kinsbourne , 1971 ) .
16 In a statement issued yesterday , Rangers acknowledged that they were experiencing difficulties in obtaining the number of tickets previously agreed for the match in Marseille .
17 In a statement issued yesterday , Rangers acknowledged that they were experiencing difficulties in obtaining the number of tickets previously agreed for the match .
18 In addition , changes in the delivery and structure of services previously provided by local authorities have done much to further reduce local authority budgets and some of their autonomy over how these services are delivered .
19 Colnaghi 's outstanding group of drawings previously shown in New York and including the newly-discovered Pontormo head ( see The Art Newspaper No.18 , May 1992 , p.19 ) makes a brief appearance at their London gallery from 1 to 10 July .
20 The Government give as reason for not reverting to the 1988 arrangements the small number of convictions previously secured .
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