Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [verb] around " in BNC.

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1 None of this excuses their behaviour , of course , but this is an unusually human account of an all-too-human encounter in the streets which reminds us of a certain constancy of human motive , and of conflicts built around the human meanings that are attached to the social realities of class , physical appearance and territory .
2 FAST is to coordinate an operation in conjunction with the UK 's 1600 Trading Standards officers to establish a nationwide database and programme of investigations centred around car boot sales .
3 The bear scarcely repaid the compliment but sat on his hindquarters , hungrily stuffing his great muzzle from a pile of scraps thrown around him .
4 The first teams started the course at 10.30am and there followed a steady stream of contestants wandering around Battersea , struggling to remember long-forgotten pieces of general knowledge until the last team set off at 1.45 .
5 The idea is that he should oversee a programme whereby a team of coaches travels around the world with the leading French players , having a far greater say in where and when they play , train and rest .
6 It operates by exchanging infra-red signals with a network of sensors installed around the building , which are in turn connected to an Ethernet .
7 The workgroup could be located in the same office , or split among a number of offices located around the world .
8 The house called Old Ashfield contained seventeen rooms above ground and a labyrinth of cellars built around an ancient underground well .
9 Sara and Matthew stood outside the house waving while a loud chorus of goodbyes fell around them .
10 The car finally ground to a halt against the remains of a silk stall , a knot of scarves caught around one axle .
11 Macbeth finds witches , instead of witches appearing around Macbeth
12 Now yesterday Alison MacDonald looked at the lot of parents struggling around Glasgow in the first of her series on child friendly Scotland .
13 During that morning of 15 May , as thousands of Croats halted around Bleiburg , Brig Low , the BGS of 5 Corps , held a meeting at Klagenfurt with Lt Col Hocevar , commissar of the Fourth Yugoslav Army and the senior Yugoslav commander in Austria , Major Dubajic and two other Yugoslav officers .
14 As George Ewart Evans documents in his book Where Beards Wag All , it was also common to see groups of workers strolling around the parish on Sunday mornings examining each other 's work , with much chafing and leg-pulling about their respective capabilities en route .
15 A swarm of ghosts gyred around him in a multiple helix , allowed some measure of self-determination by his preoccupation , furtively snatching their existence from his body and his mind .
16 It is tempting to underestimate the scale and radical nature of changes occurring around us , socially or geographically .
17 When I landed and taxied to the dispersal point an awed group of aircraftsmen crowded around the machine to examine the damage .
18 Recently there has been a large amount of attention ( both media and scientific ) directed towards bathing in seawater with a number of studies conducted around the UK coastline .
19 The fieldworker was not provided with a formal set of interview questions to work through systematically ; a formal questionnaire is replaced with modules or sets of questions organized around specific topics .
20 However , popular legend has it that Andrew Patterson , then Headmaster at the Manchester Schools for the Deaf at Old Trafford , was perturbed to counter on several occasions a group of ex-pupils gathered around a certain gas-lamp in the city — the gas-lamp being a popular meeting place of local deaf people ( this was the subject of a Victorian drama as well . )
21 Or instead there may be a major or dominant culture , with a series of sub-cultures clustering around it .
22 When Father Boyle finished paying his workers at $6 an hour , he took a stack of cheques to deliver around the neighbourhoods of East Los Angeles .
23 In the many pockets of expatriates living around the Mediterranean coastline , with its constant inflow of foreign exchange , the governments and entrepreneurs of those countries have developed mini-townships of inexpensive residences , varying from traditionally constructed apartments to sophisticated semi-huts in specially landscaped settings .
24 He looked at the piles of things scattered around my room .
25 I admit that there is something absurd in the notion of machines built around the simple rigour of Boolean logic having to cope with words whose spelling in some cases derives from Dr Sam Johnson 's incorrect etymology .
26 According to MacWeek magazine , Apple has a project under way under the code name Star Trek which involves a rewrite of System 7.1 to provide users of machines built around the 80486 and above an alternative to Microsoft Corp 's Windows .
27 According to MacWeek magazine , Apple has a project under way under the code name Star Trek which involves a rewrite of System 7.1 to provide users of machines built around the 80486 and above an alternative to Microsoft Corp 's Windows .
28 Wah ! wa-a-ah ! ’ which Oesterley had quoted from Spencer and Gillen 's account of aborigines dancing around the destroyed home of a dead man .
29 Its smaller counterpart ( No. 1 ) is less distinct , but apparently involved a series of rooms arranged around one or two courtyards .
30 It is used to tighten ( or beat ) the threads of the weft against the line of knots tied around the warp strings , ensuring the compactness of the rug .
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