Example sentences of "of [noun sg] a person " in BNC.

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1 For the purposes of this form of liability a person is a ‘ keeper ’ of the animal if ‘ ( a ) he owns the animal or has it in his possession ; or ( b ) he is the head of a household of which a member under the age of 16 owns the animal or has it in his possession ; and if at any time an animal ceases to be owned by or to be in the possession of a person , any person who immediately before that time was a keeper thereof … continues to be a keeper of the animal until another person becomes a keeper thereof … ’
2 Surely it is possible that a jury might decline to convict of murder a person who intentionally killed under gross provocation , even though they knew that the judge could give a lenient sentence , because they wished to signify the reduction in the defendant 's culpability by using the less stigmatic label of manslaughter .
3 Since this is contrary to his teaching concerning the convertibility of means and ends , it is hardly likely that he would be unconcerned with the kind of religion a person might profess to follow .
4 One may be to say that , although the use of the word ‘ threatening ’ is primarily a matter for the tribunal of fact , as a matter of law a person can not be held to threaten when his threatened conduct is ‘ lawful . ’
5 Therefore the amount taken needs to be related to the type of job a person has and also the type of training he undertakes .
6 I guarantee I can tell what kind of actor a person is if I hear them do ‘ Three Blind Mice ’ . ’
7 There could be all the difference in the world between 500 and about 500 , and it 's important to know the margins of tolerance a person is using in order to interpret them .
8 Certainly , we might be justified in assuming that whatever kind of superego a person had it might have some controlling , drive-inhibiting aspects , and consequently that anarchy , which is equivalent to a more or less complete absence of controls , is an unlikely outcome .
9 As the ‘ degree of control a person or a collectivity of people exercises over the actions of others ’ the sociological examination of power is conventionally linked with male-oriented stratification analysis , and with the analysis of formal institutions such as government .
10 However , it 's important to point out here , of course , sociologists and a number of have seized on this as Freud 's theory of socialization , but it 's important to point out that s s psychoanalytic findings , does anybody know , what do psychoanalytic findings show about the severity of the superego and the type of childhood a person 's had ?
11 Unless the judge makes a recommendation under section 1(2) of the Murder ( Abolition of the Death Penalty ) Act 1965 as to the minimum period of imprisonment a person convicted of murder should serve — and this is now done infrequently — he does not say what advice he proposes to give the Secretary of State .
12 Other things being equal , the higher the average for the length of time a person is unemployed , the greater will be the number unemployed at any moment in time .
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