Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [noun] above " in BNC.

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1 They are not as dangerous as MERMAIDS or NIXIES , and on nights of the lull moon will dance in the meadow flats , wafting scarves of silver mist above their heads .
2 In the interests of maintaining the friendly atmosphere and camaraderie of crowd and players that has been the hallmark of rugby union above all sports for so very long , we must minimise the confrontational aspects of these occasions , whilst respecting and enjoying the traditions and pride of the individual countries involved .
3 Water suppliers ' own records for 1987–9 showed that such surprising areas as Bath , Brighton , Huntingdon , Braintree and Waveney had lead pollution of drinking water above the MAC .
4 Morita et al have reported toxic effects of sodium butyrate above 2 mM in a colon cancer cell line and it may be that previous studies have used concentrations of butyrate that are higher than optimal .
5 Long before there was the clatter of rotor blades above PE , a major base could be found on the southern edge of the airfield , this was 42 Air School ( AS ) , established at south End , in 1940 , and opened ‘ for business ’ in April 1940 as part of the joint Air Training Scheme .
6 More modern views of this kind have dispensed with the metaphysical baggage of a pure Platonic universe of knowledge way above the senses of the uneducated , but the idea that reason can bring a new level of understanding still persists .
7 This cofactor is required for lipase activity in the presence of bile salts above the critical micelle concentration and acts by anchoring lipase in a one to one molar ratio to the bile salt emulsified triglyceride substrate .
8 It was much larger than the others and set in a grove of coconut palms above the beach .
9 To the south , beyond Ben Hee , the sharp point of Quinag rears above Glen Coul ; mighty Ben More Assynt , the highest peak in Sutherland ; Canisp , Suilven and , on a clear day , the mountains of Fisherfield and Flowerdale Forests : An Teallach , by Destitution Road , and Slioch , the Spear , guarding Loch Maree .
10 The programme is based on a study carried out last year , which showed that 57 per cent of eastern residents drank below-standard water , and that 36 per cent breathed air which contained levels of sulphur dioxide above safety levels .
11 In another Kontron application , a modal-analysis grid created by IBAS programming is superimposed on an optical image of biotite granite above right ( field of view 4 × 4 millimetres ) to allow a preconfigured grey-level classification below right to be overridden by the user where necessary , thereby combining the advantages of expert interpretation with the speed of the computer .
12 Children play mournfully in heap of setter shit above which washing-line used to hang ( until sodden towel bust it at three a.m. , landing in setter ordure as mentioned ) .
13 But perhaps more important , at this time when the infancy of our species must end , we have an astronaut 's view of Earth rise above the horizon of the Moon to teach us that we live on a tiny island in a vast ocean of energy , space and time .
14 Even amongst the mountain of slate workings above Llyn Peris , the Rainbow Slab is unmistakeable , sitting as it does above the CEGB hydro-electric power station , flowing from bottom left to top right across an otherwise faultlessly smooth , purple-banded , blue-grey wall .
15 The plate from which he had eaten his hamburgers and frozen green beans , which had been last night 's supper , still unrinsed in the sink ; the splatter of grease marks above the ancient gas stove ; the viscous mess of grime gumming the narrow gap between stove and cupboard ; the soiled and smelly teacloth hanging from its hook at the side of the sink ; last year 's calendar askew on its nail ; the two open shelves jammed with a conglomeration of half-used cereal packets , jars of stale jam , cracked mugs , packets of detergent ; the cheap , unstable table with its two chairs , their backs grubby from numerous clutching hands ; the linoleum curving at the wall where it had become unstuck ; the general air of discomfort , uncaring , negligence , dirt .
16 But once the reforms really bite — signs would be a sharp rise in unemployment a far bigger influx of private western investment and radical currency reform — then it would be worth offering the sort of help that could sensibly be given to reforming debtors in Latin America : capitalization of interest payments above a certain share of export earnings .
17 These limits were then overshot by month after month of interest rates above 14% .
18 But basic to all such schemata is the supplying of energy reserves above those required for maintenance metabolism .
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