Example sentences of "of [adv] to 10 " in BNC.

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1 Garde à vue detention allows the police to detain suspects for interrogation for a period of up to 10 days .
2 Emma Nicholson , Conservative MP for Devon West and Torridge , has lobbied that it should be , and for prison sentences of up to 10 years for culprits .
3 They breed equally rapidly , producing litters of up to 10 and can have three or four litters during their brief lives , so they 're among the most prolific , as well .
4 The boundaries shown are intended to represent broad zones with an uncertainty of up to 10 km or so , and the whole map invites testing by further data .
5 Numbers vary but a total of 40 is the highest recorded in recent springs ; parties of up to 10 together are sometimes seen .
6 It allows you to integrate small , thinnet subnets of up to 10 nodes into a 10BaseT hub .
7 Females give birth to as many as five offspring in late winter , after a gestation period of up to 10 months .
8 Slackness in the official compilation and in-between-election-activity by the Labour Party has always carried a penalty of up to 10 per cent for Labour , but what emerged from a comparison of the electorates of 1987 and 1992 in the six Edinburgh constituencies was a drop of 14,737 electors .
9 Water condition : Soft water with a DH of up to 10 .
10 These bacteria are very common and live naturally in the back of the nose and throat of up to 10 per cent of the population .
11 On top of the official fee of up to 10 yuan ( about $1 ) a term , many schools add on other charges , for repairing crumbling school buildings , topping up teachers ' meagre pay or buying books , which can easily add up to the equivalent of $10 a month .
12 fines of up to 10 per cent of UK turnover for firms found to be in breach of the prohibitions .
13 Fines of up to 10 per cent of the worldwide turnover of the guilty parties may be imposed .
14 During 1991 new forms were introduced which allowed details of up to 10 night visits to be claimed on a single form .
15 Claim forms for night visits , each containing details of up to 10 visits , are processed for payment and then filed by practice and by the quarter of the year .
16 According to the Washington Post of Jan. 16 , 1990 , more than 800 people including university students had been sentenced to prison terms of up to 10 years for " counter-revolutionary crimes " , including such acts as putting up posters .
17 A subsequent weakening of international oil prices , however , caused the government to order spending reductions of up to 10 per cent in the 1991 budget [ see below ] .
18 The law , one of the most draconian in the country , provided for prison sentences of up to 10 years and fines of up to $100,000 for doctors who performed illegal abortions .
19 On May 8 the government announced the introduction of the death penalty for those convicted of murder or the attempted murder of magistrates , jurors , government ministers or security force commanders ; at the same time penalties of up to 10 years ' imprisonment and fines of up to GF10,000,000 ( about US$12,500 ) were introduced for the organizers of public demonstrations ending in violence .
20 Doctors performing illegal abortion were liable to prison sentences of up to 10 years and fines of up to $100,000 .
21 Five quayside cranes of up to 10 tonne capacity serve the berth .
22 The foregoing techniques for measuring mechanical properties are transient or non periodic methods and typically cover time intervals of up to 10 6 s .
23 In all patients an attempt was made to treat the lesion by injection of up to 10 ml epinephrine ( 1:10000 ) and up to 6 ml 1% polidocanol .
24 This option enables you to view a list of up to 10 Design Changes ( DCs ) and their titles and states , in descending order of DC identifier , from the DC requested .
25 LIFESPAN will display the list of up to 10 DCs and their titles and states in the scrolled area in descending order of DC identifier , from the DC provided .
26 The scrolled area allows you to input the names of up to 10 modules affected by the problem/suggestion .
27 This option enables you to view the identifier , title and status of a set of up to 10 Software Performance Reports ( SPRs ) .
28 This option enables you to view the identifier , title and status for a set of up to 10 Software Performance Reports ( SPRs ) that are related to a specified module name .
29 This option enables you to view the identifier , title and status for a set of up to 10 Software Performance Reports ( SPRs ) that have been passed to a specified user .
30 The scrolled area allows you to input the names of up to 10 modules affected by the SSR .
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