Example sentences of "of [noun] [that] go " in BNC.

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1 In other words , a complete picture of the structure of competition must be built up from consideration of the location and form of the whole chain of activities that go together to make up a business .
2 Thinking about language acquisition and skilled language use in terms of the particular forms of information-processing that go on when any linguistic task is being performed , and thinking about language disorders explicitly as patterns of impairments and preservations of different forms of information-processing , thus provides a particularly powerful way of illuminating both normal and disordered linguistic capacities .
3 I call that a restricted international perspective because it does not explain or attempt to explain how production is organized internationally and , to my mind , a theory can not do that unless it says something about the changes in the organization of labour that go along with innovations in machinery , transport , instruments and products .
4 Is it a dedicated core of supporters that go ?
5 A kind of numbness acts as a shell against not only death itself , but against all the implications of loss that go with it .
6 Terms of reference that go beyond these matters will result from discussions between the parties , and probably the expert as well , where it is convenient to have terms of reference separate from procedural directions .
7 I 've seen the type of bairns that go in and out of them .
8 Most of these developments might be seen as making English less different , but the kinds of changes that go on in ‘ literary theory ’ are unlikely to be familiar to anyone but a philosopher .
9 Shirley Coates recommends reading up on the company and preparing a list of questions that go beyond pay and holiday .
10 Every nutrient that is required for energy , growth , repair , health , breeding and normal species behaviour can only be obtained from a diet that is balanced ; and there are many examples of things that go wrong when even traces of certain minerals are deficient in the diet .
11 I 'd never find out about a lot of things that go on at the hotel without him around .
12 So what kind of people live here that we what 's what 's made it go you you said that it 's got one of the s what are the kind of things that go on now , that wo did n't go on before ?
13 He ignores a , a lot of things that go on but even he passed comment the other the other week when we was at bingo when we were coming out he said er he says she 's horrible to Sam that sometimes !
14 Think of people that go to these dangerous sports clubs , what happens to them ?
15 He says ; Once one of them says we will go with him then they will all go because they will stick together but I was very suprised with the ammount of people that go .
16 Play in pairs , it 's different but when you 're just playing singles , you can say or maybe you could sort of friends that go , you 'd probably say something like , are you sure ?
17 If the Government want to fetch every one of those issues to the Floor of the House , I am quite prepared to do exactly the same , and every day we shall have points of order that go on for half an hour —
18 There are now serious environmental concerns about a whole range of chemicals that go into these cleaners , and the detrimental effect that some of them may be having on wildlife in rivers and shorelines .
19 You can practise on the bigger fish with all the variations of bites that go with them , after you gain some experience of the basics with smaller fish .
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