Example sentences of "the reasons why the " in BNC.

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1 These factors help explain some of the reasons why the total number of ACET clients covered at any one time by our on call service in London has more than doubled from 70 in April 1990 to over 150 by March 1991 ; and why the nature of the services required has become so much more sophisticated .
2 These are some of the reasons why the Party devoted so much care to its favourite but weakling class in provincial Russia .
3 In 1934 , the year of Murder in the Cathedral 's commissioning , he wrote , ‘ one of the reasons why the Morte Darthur is a permanent source of refreshment , is the degree to which the primitive ‘ ritual ’ stories are and are not integrated into the narrative . ’
4 He had touched on some of the reasons why the United Kingdom had been outsmarted and disadvantaged when he had spoken before the Prime Minister at the meeting of the Economic Planning Council .
5 VOTERS like me are surely one of the reasons why the Conservative Party was returned to power .
6 These are some of the reasons why the idea of God is copied so readily by successive generations of individual brains .
7 In Ket , a magazine published by Teeside Polytechnic Students ' Union , Gedge explained the reasons why the group had become a magnificent obsession .
8 In the speech , the public orator will highlight the major features of the honorary graduand 's career , particularly those which have led to eminence and the reasons why the University is bestowing the honour .
9 Although there are some special features in Berlin 's higher education system , most of its problems are common to many of West Germany 's universities , and exemplify the reasons why the climate is not ideal for research .
10 One of the reasons why the elected wakeman might be tempted to shirk his duties was that , as he was responsible for the safety of the town during the night , if any burglaries then took place he had the costly business of compensating the victims .
11 These are the reasons why the discussion of economic policy during the election has been so trivial and impoverished , with so much fuss about how the budget deficit limits the scope for tax cuts on the one hand and expenditure increases on the other .
12 The study of crime includes how and why the boundaries of crime change , the extent to which the legal definition is accepted , and the reasons why the authorities are more likely to punish certain legally-defined crimes than others .
13 He cited growing competition from satellite and cable stations as one of the reasons why the rules should be relaxed .
14 This means that older children must be encouraged to discuss famous texts critically , must be aware of the reasons why the traditional English canon , from Chaucer to George Eliot , has been so much under attack in recent years .
15 One of the reasons why the range of special paints has diminished over the last few years is that ordinary paints and primers are so good .
16 The international aspect continued to be of importance and was one of the reasons why the Nationalist — a very costly venture — was kept going even when its existence could no longer be justified on any other grounds .
17 This is one of the reasons why the addition of quite small amounts of the wrong impurity can ruin an alloy .
18 One of the reasons why the better shipyards and coachbuilders were expensive was that they kept large stocks of valuable timber seasoned and seasoning .
19 There could hardly be more fundamental mysteries than the reasons why the Universe came into existence , how life began on planet Earth , and so on .
20 Primary encopresis A full assessment of the reasons why the child has never achieved continence is required .
21 When informing employees of a likely relocation , employers need to present as full a picture as possible of the reasons why the move is necessary and the effect that it will have on existing jobs .
22 Should the offer be thought to be suitable , the tribunal examines the reasons why the employee has rejected it .
23 Since rising retirement rates among elderly people have been one of the striking developments in labour market behaviour this century , it seems appropriate to begin by looking at the reasons why the employment status of the elderly population has changed so much over time , and the consequences of this change .
24 It is formal in that there are purposes which define the reasons why the transaction is taking place .
25 That is one of the reasons why the money spent so far has achieved so little .
26 Chapter 8 has already examined the reasons why the adjustable peg system collapsed .
27 One of the reasons why the purchasing power parity theorem has not worked so well over short periods is that the influence on currencies of current account flows has diminished , while capital account transactions have assumed a greater role .
28 It is , perhaps , one of the reasons why the education service has been so resistant to the integration demanded by corporate management ( Regan 1979:206 — 8 ) .
29 She stood in front of the mirror and in front of her mother , and she suffered because she knew that there was no escape ; the reasons why the dress would not do were reasons which could never be communicated .
30 Indeed , as stated earlier , pupil motivation was one of the reasons why the Cockcroft Committee recommended a study of graduated assessment .
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