Example sentences of "the authorities have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The authorities have uncovered large-scale illicit operations in the US ( a software company called Micro-Pro International won $250000 damages from one pirate ) but no one has yet been prosecuted in Britain .
2 But the threatened drop in readership for 1990 is now so great that the the authorities have extended the date by a month .
3 Unfortunately for competition policy , such evidence will invariably be lacking , and actual conduct is all that the authorities have to go on .
4 Thus despite the fact that the Thatcher government in the early 1980s was committed to a tight control of money supply and set targets for the broad monetary base M0 , and despite the fact that the authorities have expressed interest in monetary base control , this has not been the form of policy pursued .
5 In one fell swoop the authorities have made a large step towards perpetuating the quality , image and prestige of the Home Internationals by allowing the players to be available .
6 If this House were to apply such a principle it would involve going beyond what any of the authorities have decided , departing from such decisions as Slater v. Burnley Corporation ; William Whiteley Ltd. v. The King and Twyford v. Manchester Corporation which have stood for many years and would involve making new law .
7 The authorities have given special emphasis to the financial instruments offered by banks and building societies ( Bank of England March 1983 ) .
8 There is no such thing as bad publicity , and sometimes the only way to force change is to be anti-social and become a problem which eventually the authorities have to deal with .
9 I have come to the view that the discretionary use of monetary and fiscal policy , even when constrained by monetary targets and financial plans , is likely to prove unsatisfactory because of the combination of political pressures and market pressures with which the authorities have to deal .
10 For years , the authorities have turned a blind eye to the slaughter , maintaining that it was a quaint custom which would eventually die out .
11 Peter 's Bar may be the reason why Horta became such a popular stopping off spot for transatlantic yachts , and because so many yachts stop there the authorities have built a large marina with every facility .
12 Instead of nutrient content per 100 g , the authorities have related their figures to average portion sizes , which should be of practical value to dietitians , health care workers and the food industry .
13 As the events of March 1987 show , banks are reluctant to follow movements in market interest rates unless and until the authorities have confirmed that they wish to see a change .
14 However , delays may occur if the authorities have failed to make contingency plans to meet the change in circumstances , and consequently prolonged discussion may be necessary before a decision is made to use particular instruments in a certain way .
15 The authorities have set a limit of one twist per customer per week , which is no way to handle the problem .
16 Instead the authorities have tended to concentrate on controlling interest rates and hence the demand for money .
17 The authorities have responded to complaints of increasing truancy with legislation apparently strict but in practice almost ineffective .
18 The Brazilians are producing lapachol for oral administration as part of a drug therapy for cancer , and the authorities have approved it for clinical trials in humans .
19 As a result , they frequently delegate to local authorities the right to nominate perhaps 50 to 70 per cent of their tenants if the authorities have provided finance .
20 In some cases , indeed , the authorities have provided the resources for such groups to be formed , for example community councils in Britain .
21 The indictment of this book is not only that the authorities have permitted certain specific excesses of which examples are described , but that they have deliberately promoted and condoned violence , crime and racketeering in order to alienate both their terrorist and political opponents from their natural sympathisers .
22 Anyway , as I see it now , if the authorities have got wind of her havin' a youngster , we 'll have some of them officials and the do-gooders comin' round , and it 'll be the workhouse in the end . ’
23 I would n't wan na do it tomorrow , well only later afternoon but I mean if I have to put ear plugs in at night to get some sleep because of them , surely the authorities have got ta say something about that
24 Since that crash , there has been a public outcry in Australia and the authorities have offered Pyramid investors some non-interest bearing five-year government bonds .
25 Just as importantly , the authorities have urged the French to change their attitude to science .
26 More significantly , perhaps , it also means that no attempt may be made in the course of a prosecution to determine that in their investigations the authorities have committed one or more criminal offences .
27 The authorities have taken pains to represent Niyogi 's murder as a factional fight between extremists .
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