Example sentences of "the development of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was also involved in the development of shopping centres , offices and other building project throughout the country .
2 More generally , the development of eurobond markets in a variety of currencies ( see section 5.1.4 below ) can largely be attributed to the imposition of withholding taxes , listing , disclosure and other regulatory requirements in domestic markets , all of which made development of an offshore market attractive ( although another factor was the increased importance of currency considerations in balance-sheet management , with the end of fixed exchange rates ) .
3 He was also involved in the development of Bailey 's Irish Cream , which created an entirely new category of drinks , cream liqueurs .
4 He claimed that it was " a drama full of lies and deception … an insidious act laying a deliberate , new obstacle in the way of the development of North-South relations " .
5 The development of rationalization brings about a change in the relationship of these two processes .
6 Similarly , in obese patients receiving weight reduction , Broomfield and colleagues found that in a dose of 1300 mg/day , aspirin inhibited ( albeit to a non-significant extent ) the development of microcrystals , microstones , and gall stones — which developed with high frequency in untreated patients .
7 Weed control must have been a major problem for a one pass cultivation system before the development of herbicides , and the extra weight of the rotor unit and the engine must have made the plough difficult to handle at the headlands .
8 The development of pub retailing has shown a corrective instinct for seeking to set a purpose built business in the right location .
9 An important feature of economic reorganisation in the industrial West is the development of businesses by members of ethnic minorities .
10 Three other strands are also identified during this period : first the accommodation of psychodynamic theory within other models of practice , e.g. systems or unitary approaches ; second , the continued incorporation of some relevant ideas from psychodynamic theory into new approaches to social work ; finally the development of specialist agencies which use these approaches .
11 Those new pressures have created new and more pressing management problems , particularly with respect to the development of flexibility in organizations designed to deal with stability , and with lower levels of turbulence .
12 The development of forests , either by wholesale ( re ) planting of watersheds or in smaller areas such as gullies and riverbanks , in other small lots such as fuelwood plots , on terrace-backs and field boundaries for fuel and/or fodder , or in lines for the additional purpose of windbreaks , is also an important element in most conservation schemes .
13 Similar assumptions were made by those authorities , like the London County Council , which had for some years been committed to the development of comprehension .
14 In Grampian difficulties with the GPass computer system delayed the development of fundholding , and these problems are still being overcome .
15 TDS.1 was responsible for the development of glider aircraft for the rapid deployment of personnel and equipment , their work resulting in the Hamilcar and Horsa designs .
16 Can I ask Mr can I ask Mr Davis to give us a bit more explanation , please , as to his rationale behind continuing resistance to the development of greenfield sites on the edge of York .
17 Such studies have recommended the development of multi-model interventions that incorporate individual , dyadic or group , and family components ( Dixen and Jenkins , 1981 ; Summit , 1985 ) .
18 Because the eruptions burst from the viscous sub-layer , it is often suggested that they are produced by an instability there — particularly as some features of the motion in this region resemble features of transition to turbulence in a boundary layer ( for example , the development of fast- and slow-moving regions mentioned above resembles the development of three-dimensionality illustrated by Fig. 18.1 ) .
19 Surprised by Joy limited by the necessarily artificial conventions of autobiography , gives an impression that the development of Lewis 's religious opinions was much more cut and dried than was really the case .
20 The idea of ‘ care in the community ’ has developed over the past 20 years to encourage the development of services to help older people in need of care to remain in their own homes for as long as they wish , and for as long as is practical .
21 They suggest that clinical psychologists , with an understanding of psychological aspects of disability , may have a role to play in the development of services for older people with disabilities , and in training other health service professionals in how to respond to problems of disability in older people .
22 The particular relevance of that paper is that it provides a multi-disciplinary perspective on special needs and the under-fives , and a major theme pervading the NARE conference talk was the need to evolve policies of collective responsibility in the development of services to meet special needs of children under five , given the context that pre-school education is not statutory .
23 In 1983 the Welsh Office produced a document — The All Wales Strategy for the Development of Services for Mentally Handicapped People/Strategaeth Cymru Gyfan Datblygiad Gwasanaethau Pobl dan Anfantais Meddyliol .
24 Such closures should provide a source of staff , capital and revenue to support the development of the new pattern of health services , including community psychiatric nursing , for the mentally ill and perhaps help to support the development of services provided by local authorities .
25 Working with district health authorities they may offer some new solutions to longstanding problems , give greater priority to local need , and enable the development of services with the capacity to respond to changing needs over time .
26 Voluntary effort has been prominent in the development of services for deprived children .
27 recognize that comprehensive assessment should be part of a planned and structured approach to the development of services for older and disabled people .
28 But unlike the economy-wide agreements in Scandinavia , these exclude wages and deal instead with single , specific issues such as employment security or the progressive reduction of the working week ( i.e. ‘ they deal with problems often dealt with solely by the government and amount to the development of law by collective bargaining ’ ( Meyers , 1981 ) ) .
29 At the very least , the ambiguity of this method suggests that Hayek 's evolutionary account of the development of law is value-laden .
30 These models are constructions which are aimed directly at influencing the development of law .
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