Example sentences of "the thing that have " in BNC.

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1 I looked at it vaguely and then with more attention , remembering the thing that had sung past my ear .
2 Anne pushed the thing that had been her sister away .
3 She suddenly saw how selfish she had been , and knew at last the answer to the thing that had puzzled her for so long — why her mummy , who had been a keen Brownie Guider and loved Brownies , would n't let her join a Pack .
4 If he could fix that sight , or even begin to do so , he might yet find a way of controlling the thing that had come to haunt him .
5 Somewhere beyond , the thing that had been Farley Peters — still locked in the corridor wall — gibbered and scrabbled with monstrous hunger .
6 The thing that had once been Bissell laughed again , raw plaster splattering on the tiled floor .
7 And , at last , Cardiff could see that the mutated horror on the stairs was not the thing from the wrecked car , not the thing that had been Barbara 's brother from 1964 .
8 Down below on the staircase , the thing that had been Farley Peters was trying to crawl up the steps towards him .
9 The thing that had woken her , that night , was Oliver crying .
10 Was n't it likely that the thing that had got into him at the seance was really from the planet Tellenor ?
11 And when I left them , the thing that had seemed so horrible to me was transformed into happiness of body and soul for me . "
12 I think the key thing is to listen to that instinct as it 's most probably the thing that has the highest chance of being right .
13 The English have always been a little lighter on their feet , a little more amateurish , but the thing that has been happening , I think , is without a doubt the relativization of religion .
14 The thing that 's suggested just to sort of er bring that round to you to you know rather than just have me speaking , is to suggest that er if I start a sentence er perhaps you know people could join in with the finish of that sentence , you know .
15 how you gon na know without seeing the thing that 's stuck ?
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