Example sentences of "the labour party [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 All of this is familiar uncontroversial stuff , and the Labour Party proposals for increasing the power of the House of Commons are not at odds with the perspective of the constitutional authorities or the Liberals and Social Democrats .
2 I intend to expose the shortcomings of the Labour party proposals .
3 One of Wigan 's local councillors , whose mother was active in the Labour Party women 's section , remembers that she also worked on the pit top .
4 Harry Pollitt reported to the Central Committee of the Party in January 1936 that : We fight to affiliate as an organised Party , campaigning for united action on the part of all workers organisations , for a change of policy that corresponds to the desires of the Labour Party members , and that also opens up the perspective of realising at a later stage one united working class political party .
5 The public know full well that the Labour party taxes and spends , taxes and spends .
6 The Taoiseach , Albert Reynolds , strongly supported the scheme to attract money back into the country , while it was opposed by the Finance Minister , Bertie Ahern , and most of the Labour Party Ministers in the Coalition Government .
7 They are not the rich bachelors or the yuppies that the Labour party fears ; two thirds of single people entitled to discounts will be over 60 , single pensioners , widows and widowers , and many more are single parents .
8 To help the process along the way , the Labour party acolytes on Humberside county council fell over themselves to be the first to grant planning permission for gas generators at Killingholme , replacing coal requirements by 3 million tonnes and with a loss of 3,000 mining jobs .
9 The Labour Party policies that they did contest , and partly reverse , were nationalization policies not social welfare ones .
10 There was nothing in our press release , in fact the contrary , criticising the Labour Party Officers going to Brussels where we 've had tremendous support over the last ten years .
11 The hon. Member for Dagenham has said time and again that the Labour party objects in principle to the discount system , and perhaps we should emphasise that .
12 For one thing , the Labour Party leaders would not contemplate an alliance with the Communist Party , which they rightly feared was merely aiming to use Labour to gain political support and which was involved in almost needless violence against the supremely unimportant British fascists .
13 However , the concern to increase intra-party democracy and change the balance of power within the Labour Party bespeaks of a profound commitment to create a kind of democracy in Britain very different from that entrenched in the established constitutional set-up and different from that desired by the constitutional authorities and the Alliance who both wish to see legal limits on Parliament as well as a revival of the autonomy of parliamentary government itself .
14 The key elements of the Labour party manifestos of 1983 and of 1987 are to be found in the CND constitution .
15 All that the Labour party offers is promises and rhetoric ; we have delivered an improved health service .
16 Sir : If John Prescott thinks that higher taxes on motor vehicles , lower speed limits , charges for urban road use , cuts in tax perks for company cars , random breath testing , enforcement of parking restrictions , revitalised public transport and a general prejudice in favour of pedestrians , cyclists and public transport at the expense of cars will win the Labour Party votes , he 's darn right .
17 As the right hon. Gentleman is talking about matters in which there may be joint agreement , and as he has visited Langbaurgh and Hemsworth in recent days , will he comment on the fact that both the Labour party candidates for those constituencies have invested in newly privatised industries ?
18 Does he agree , therefore , that he too might wish to recommend such investment , or does he propose to disown the Labour party candidates for Langbaurgh and Hemsworth ?
19 As it happens , I do not share the investments that my good friends the Labour party candidates happen to have made .
20 I do n't know whether he 's going to that , he might be but this was , this , he was up sort of seeing , meeting all the Labour Party candidates for the north west .
21 The Labour party cloaks under expressions such as ’ attack on civil rights ’ the fact that such people have not registered for the tax and have been indulging in tax avoidance , a practice for which the Labour party still shows some sympathy .
22 According to my understanding of , of Labour history , it was er during the war years , at one of the Labour Party conferences , that a NUPE resolution supported by COHSE , actually er brought about some of the , the , the many things that were written within the Beveridge report , and committed the Labour Party to the foundation of the National Health Service that would be free at the points of need for every member of the community .
23 When elected delegate for region to the T , T U C in the Labour Party conferences is not enough .
24 In the Labour Party MPs are likely to be male , university-educated and from middle-class professions like teaching or journalism , but with a working-class parental background .
25 For if one of the main results of this election is that the Labour Party ditches Mr Kinnock as leader in favour of Mr Smith , it could well be a case of reculer pour mieux sauter — a kind of Pyrrhic defeat .
26 Step forward Tom Pendry , who chairs the Labour Party sports committee .
27 No they 're not the realities , because what we 're saying is that we have to modernize the policies of the Labour Party , but the policies are absolutely based in our traditional concerns , I mean , let me give you an example , when Beveridge was talking about unemployment , and the life long need for people to work , he was talking about a male workforce , where it was a man supported by a non-working wife , now we still have at the absolute heart of our concerns in the Labour Party peoples need to work , but we 're now talking about a situation , where women are sharing with their husbands the role of bed breadwinner , and in many families the woman is the sole breadwinner , and therefore our policies about employment and the economy recognize that the world has changed , our principles are the same , but the world to which we 're applying it is very different , and , again , on that you see there would be no distinction between the so-called traditionalists and the so-called modernizers .
28 In August 1917 the war losses concession of the Board of Trade did something to take the edge off a rapidly deteriorating situation and Wilson 's preoccupation with the Labour Party pacifists and the Merchant Seamen 's League tended to keep such matters off the pages of The Seaman .
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