Example sentences of "the north [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Lester remembered the filming as ‘ very hard work ’ , but much excitement was had by the cast on location , first in West Germany , where the British Army on the Rhine 's tanks were used , then in Spain , where the North African scenes were shot .
2 The Constitutional Court on Feb. 19 also annulled the electoral results in the North African enclave of Melilla and ruled that fresh elections should take place there within six weeks .
3 Subsequently , however , the PSOE lost one seat ( to the Popular Party — PP ) in repeat elections in the North African enclave of Melilla on March 25 .
4 My father , a Desert Rat , tells me that in the North African campaign you never asked a man with a shovel where he was going , so I let Nat go .
5 The infantry was shielded by a moving barrage laid down by massed artillery , the first of a number of concentrated shoots in which Leslie participated in the North African campaign .
6 The performance of the 4th Indian Division among the mountains of Tunisia was one of the high points of the North African campaign .
7 It had been in Essex that , out of discontent with sitting at home , Leslie had requested a posting abroad ; and it was somehow appropriate that it was with the men of Essex that he should have ended the North African campaign .
8 The biographers of Paddy Mayne quote a veteran of the North African campaign : ‘ We thought it was tough dealing with extremes of heat .
9 Captain Schott 's report of the trip , originally classified ‘ Most Secret ’ , is one of the few after-action reports to have survived from the SAS in the North African campaign .
10 I was heartened by this news though Marianne , who has experienced the unpredictable effects of alcohol on the North African male to her cost , was less amused .
11 The details of his three years ' captivity from the North African desert to the Eastern Front were not spoken of for more than another thirty , other than by occasional scant reference .
12 THE ENGLISH PATIENT — Michael Ondaatje ( Bloomsbury , £14.99 ) Canada 's finest makes a long-overdue bid for the Booker shortlist with this rich , strange parable set in Italy and the North African desert .
13 By the time Follow That Camel went before the cameras as the third ‘ Carry On ’ picture that year — filmed ‘ on location ’ with Camber Sands on the then almost freezing Sussex coast , doubling somewhat unconvincingly for the North African desert — the distribution company for the ‘ Carry Ons ’ had changed from Anglo-Amalgamated to the Rank Organization .
14 Over a million pounds worth of water filtration kit , vital in the North African Desert , but being delivered ast a critical time in relations with the Libyan Government … but that 's not going to stop them .
15 After their marriage , Mr Williams was posted abroad and served more than six years in several countries , including a spell in the North African desert .
16 Hot and dry as Spain can be , and despite the flamenco guitars which occasionally steal into the rhythms of the music , Saez has looked further south to find inspiration for Uadi , a dreamy , hypnotic evocation of the North African desert .
17 The challenges of the North African year were primarily those of planning and organization .
18 For the North African church had long clung to its own traditions of autonomy with a tenacity which made it a power with which the emperors and popes had to reckon .
19 At the close of the year Stokes led his squadron into the Straits , with the aim of protecting English shipping against the depredations of the Spaniards and the North African corsairs .
20 In Tunisia , in many ways the most developed and westernised of the North African countries , the government itself took a pro-Iraqi line .
21 No. 11 Commando became involved in fighting the Vichy French in Syria , while No. 8 Commando took part in a few unsuccessful raids along the North African coast , transported into action by the Navy .
22 The various groups who were to carry out raids along the North African coast gathered at Siwa at the beginning of June , aiming to leave for their targets between the 6th and the 8th of the month escorted by LRDG patrols .
23 It has always been a fishing village and trawlers from here and from Machico are used for deep-sea and more distant fishing trips such as to the North African coast .
24 The Wellington was obliged to ditch in the sea off the North African coast due to technical problems , the General and the crew being taken prisoners by the Italians .
25 At that time we were flying about 4,000 feet about 40 miles off the North African coast .
26 On the night of 7 November the teams were again off the North African coast ready to flash their signal lights and RG infra-red beams along the limit lines on the flanks of target beaches .
27 Resolving to ‘ quit all my friends and tear myself away from my home ’ , he headed off along the North African coast in the direction of Mecca , driven onwards by what he described as ‘ an overmastering impulse from within' .
28 ’ Well , if Smith can demonstrate that all the North African immigrants who arouse the wrath of Jean-Marie Le Pen are being paid the statutory minimum wage , I shall send £10 to the Labour party .
29 We went on to fight alongside the North African people for their independence .
30 Moreover , trust in Hitler was not simply based upon an early end to the war , but on an early victorious conclusion , and all the indications are that before late 1942 and early 1943 — centring around Stalingrad , the North African reverses , and the mounting allied air supremacy — only a minority of Germans ( around a third of the population according to American surveys carried out in 1945 ) were prepared to concede that the war was lost .
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