Example sentences of "the long line [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The uniformed officer did n't appreciate the joke and pushed Robinson out onto the landing where , already , a steady file of men were spilling from their cells , joining the long line on either side of the landing as they made their way to the toilets .
2 Michael Meacher , Labour 's employment spokesman , last night said : ‘ The formula is not just another in the long line of bureaucratic barriers which prevent the unemployed claiming benefit .
3 THE tower of the Danish Church at Well Close stood sharp and clear against the clouds , and a line of rooftops and gables marked the long line of Cable Street and Rosemary Lane leading to Little Tower Hill .
4 The long line of hedge bordering the next field was a good fifty yards away .
5 John the Baptist , as the last in the long line of Old Testament prophets , called upon the nation to repent to prepare for the Kingdom whose coming was imminent ( Matt.
6 She caught worldwide attention last year when she claimed in a defence of prostitution charges that she could only satisfy a sex addiction by selling herself to the long line of men .
7 ‘ He was a natural , ’ says Williams , continuing in the long line of those men and women of experience and the most foxy intelligence , who could not analyse Burton 's gift any more clearly than that .
8 Unfortunately it is too far south to be properly seen from Britain or the northern United States , but when high up it is truly impressive , and it is easy to conjure up the picture of a scorpion from the long line of bright stars , with the ‘ head ’ and the ‘ sting ’ .
9 Authority — ‘ that egg of misery and oppression ’ as the doctor has it — is the norm in the long line of historical adventures drawing for material on the extensively recorded history of the navy in the Napoleonic Wars ; but the outstanding writers in the genre look round widely from this stance .
10 Two Tyne class and the last of the long line of Aruns had also gone to their new stations .
11 There were memories which , he suspected , would be even more insistent than Kerrison marking out with his cartilage knife on the milk-white body the long line of the primary incision .
12 The name Venturous was a break from the long line of traditional names for Cutters as it had never previously been used .
13 He raised that study to the rank of a single comprehensive and independent science , and thus deserved to be reverently regarded by posterity as the eponymous hero of all the long line of later scholars " .
14 Beyond the long line of windows , past the Conservatory and the Laburnum Walk , they came to the winter-bound Pleasure Garden where yellow jasmine crawled over a tree stump , hamamelis , the wych-hazel shrub , thrust out golden hedgehog flowers along its leafless branches , and the stream coming from the kitchen garden — a winter river now — hurried into the culvert that carried it on into the baby lake in the field outside the Pleasure Garden .
15 This significant alteration in the nature of the Muftilik suggests the need for a reconsideration of the Turkish historical tradition regarding the establishment of the institution , to explore the possibility that Fahreddin Acemi was in a very real sense the first of the long line of Muftis .
16 Instead of the quiet moorings , the long line of permanent houseboats , her startled gaze encountered a very high , very wet and slimy brick wall .
17 As Hyacinth walked , the long line of hotels , great and small , disgorged its residents on to an increasingly crowded pavement .
18 The long line of leading Conservatives on the platform fixed their faces into expressions of interested concern , and prepared themselves for what could only turn out to be a surfeit of oratory .
19 Over the river , the banners glinted red over the fort , and the long line of its shadow began to creep down its rock to the east .
20 J. Stannard , Recent Developments in Criminal Law , SLS , 1988 , 59 , averred : " Bevan is another in the long line of cases where courts have adopted a strained construction of legislation in order to convict a person who is clearly guilty of dishonest conduct but also does not appear to be adequately covered by any legislative provision . "
21 There are hill-forms of every type ; smooth contoured chalk downs in a great belt encircling the London basin , the long line of the Cotswold edge , even-topped plateaux in Wales and Devon , bleak granite moorlands and craggy volcanic cliffs .
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